Fact-checker: Gove LIED about government contract with his cronies at Public First

Sneaky little critter: Tory liar Michael Gove.
Vox Political vindicated again: This Site stated that the government’s £560,000 contracts with Public First were unlawful and the government was lying about the High Court’s decision, back in June.
Now we have the finding of fact-checker Full Fact to support that conclusion.
As Dorset Eye (and you really should be reading Dorset Eye) wrote:
“During an appearance on Sky News, Minister for the Cabinet Office and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Michael Gove was asked about a recent ruling at the High Court on the government’s decision to award a £560,000 contract to marketing agency Public First during the pandemic. The agency is run by former colleagues of both Mr Gove and Dominic Cummings, the former chief adviser to the Prime Minister.
“In the interview, Mr Gove claimed that “the court found that there was no actual bias in the decision that was taken by others to award this contract […] there was no breach of the ministerial code.”
“That’s wrong. Michael Gove was moving the goalposts in talking about actual bias. The court was asked to determine whether the award of the contract was unlawful because of apparent bias.
“The judge held that the decision making process which led to the award of the contract did give rise to apparent bias, and so was unlawful.”
Tory liars like Gove are sneaky little critters and you have to watch out for these little deceptions.
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If people believe senior Tory’s who have been taught how to lie. How to disassemble as in claim oh no the judge said this when in fact he said something different it happens all the damn time this is why you can’t trust Torys to tell the ‘Truth’ just their version of it!!!
Sadly now with the rise of the right-wing in the cult of new Labour 2.0, they are not far behind on the BS to truth rating sadly. What is the point of having a ministerial code if it has no consequences for lying and no one to ever step in and call BS. Mostly the media is Tory controlled so no chance of truth or real investigations here.