Did Boris Johnson try to kill off the Queen with Covid-19?

Boris Johnson and the Queen: he wanted to continue meeting her every week after the Covid-19 pandemic broke out – and would certainly have passed Covid-19 on to her if he had done so.
That’s a bold suggestion in the headline – but it seems to be supported by the evidence.
WhatsApp messages supplied by Dominic bloody Cummings say that Johnson was unwilling to go back into lockdown in autumn 2020 because he considered Covid-19 only to be fatal to people aged over 80 – who have therefore lived longer than national life expectancy.
“So get COVID and live longer,” is the typically-insensitive Johnson remark.
This is going to take some explanation from Boris Johnson
Via @bbclaurak pic.twitter.com/v22R9VwZTY
— Paul Johnson (@paul__johnson) July 19, 2021
Now, I was going to point out that Johnson was effectively sentencing his own father to death:
Stanley Johnson will be 81 in August. Will the PM tell him not to waste a doctor's time if he's ill?
— John Appleby (@JohnApplebyLD) July 20, 2021
Boris Johnson was happy to let 80+ Brits die.
Here he is offering up his 81yo dad, Stanley Johnson, to the virus.#ArrestBorisJohnson #JohnsonVariant #COVID19 pic.twitter.com/v13LtlEEVd— El Christo (@ElRaynerista) July 20, 2021
But then I saw the hammer-stroke:
Cummings also told the BBC that Johnson had been determined to go to see the Queen in person, despite people in Number 10 already ill with Covid in March 2020.
“I said, what are you doing, and he said, I’m going to see the Queen and I said, what on earth are you talking about, of course you can’t go and see the Queen. He said, ah, that’s what I do every Wednesday, sod this, I’m gonna go and see her,” Cummings said.
Cummings said he eventually convinced Johnson not to take the risk. “I said to him, there’s people in this office who are isolating, you might have coronavirus, I might have coronavirus, you can’t go and see the Queen. What if you go and see her and give the Queen coronavirus?
“You obviously can’t go … I just said if you, if you give her coronavirus and she dies what, what are you gonna, you can’t do that, you can’t risk that, that’s completely insane. And he said, he basically just hadn’t thought it through, he said, yeah, ‘holy s**t, I can’t go.’”
Downing Street has denied the account – which is hardly surprising as it suggests that Johnson was, at the very least, reckless with regard to the safety of the Queen.
The UK Establishment may be happy to tolerate the many harms he has inflicted on the population at large, but endangering Her Majesty (who was 93 at the time and therefore well within the extreme-danger zone) is a different matter entirely.
Did Johnson mean to endanger her life by exposing her to the virus?
In all honesty, it’s doubtful. He is a very stupid, selfish man and in March 2020, when Cummings says he had to be stopped from visiting her personally, he was saying he did not think Covid-19 was going to affect the UK seriously.
He didn’t even know whether he had the disease himself (he did contract it and spent time in hospital with it).
He certainly would have passed the disease to the Queen if those meetings had indeed continued.
Now: all this information comes from Dominic Cummings, and he has a grudge against Johnson; this is one of a series of attacks he has launched against his former boss.
But of course, he is not the only source of information and questions are being asked about why reporters for the mainstream media haven’t bothered to find it out for themselves. I have my own view about that:
They can't; they don't know how.
This is what happens when people get jobs because of who they know instead of what they know.
If any MSM journalist wants to argue with me, do it by proving me wrong… If you can. https://t.co/WHanh50dau— Mike Sivier (@MidWalesMike) July 19, 2021
All you national TV and newspaper reporters – what are you waiting for?
Get out there and rake the muck until you can provide evidence to prove whether Johnson was planning meetings that would have endangered the life of the Queen.
Or is that beyond your meagre skill set?
Have YOU donated to my crowdfunding appeal, raising funds to fight false libel claims by TV celebrities who should know better? These court cases cost a lot of money so every penny will help ensure that wealth doesn’t beat justice.
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