#KeirStarmer’s death spiral: he’s denying vital funds to #Labour by banning members on false pretences

Starmer’s hypocrisy: this image was made when Starmer was accusing individual Jews of anti-Semitism. Now he’s attacking organisations that will have Jews in their memberships – and Neil Coyne has called for one Jewish group to be proscribed as well, in an echo of Nazi demands during the Weimar period in Germany.
Boris Johnson’s Tories may be unfit to govern but Keir Starmer’s version of Labour is in no condition to take over as it continues its self-harming course to the political scrapheap.
Starmer’s latest big idea for electoral success is to make Labour even more like the Conservative Party by ending its pretence of being a “broad church”; he wants to ban membership from anyone who claims to be a socialist.
As stated in a previous article, he’s doing this by claiming that socialists – who want self-determination for people of all ethnicities, particularly those that currently suffer persecution – are anti-Semites (because this means they want self-determination for Palestinians who are persecuted by the Israeli government that Starmer smarms up to).
First on the list to get the chop are around 1,000 party members who also belong to Resist, Labour Against the Witchhunt, Labour in Exile and Socialist Action.
Their crimes appear to be claiming that many anti-Semitism allegations, for which Labour members have been suspended or expelled, were blown out of proportion and politically-motivated; welcoming such expelled or suspended members into their own ranks; and demanding the re-admission of Jeremy Corbyn into the Parliamentary Labour Party.
All of these stances may be demonstrably connected to support for Palestinians against Israeli persecution.
Here’s the part that marks Starmer out as an imbecile, though: in cutting members out of the party, he’s cutting off the membership fees that he needs, in order to maintain the machinery he is using to attack them.
As it is – at the same NEC meeting where he will demand the removal of the above-named groups, he will have to propose plans to make around a quarter of Labour Party staff jobless:
“@UKLabour’s ruling NEC is set to discuss plans for large-scale redundancies among staff, with up to 90 jobs at risk, as @Keir_Starmer seeks to repair the party’s shattered finances.”
Wasn’t it Keir who “shattered” them, though? 🧐 https://t.co/3V2SJZsXQu
— James Foster (@JamesEFoster) July 19, 2021
Hilariously, the Guardian report tells us that the plan has been devised in a report entitled Organise to Win!
The report states:
Labour’s finances have been hit hard by fighting three general elections in the past six years, as well as a string of costly legal cases, and hopes of a membership bounce after Starmer took over failed to materialise.
The party paid out a six-figure sum a year ago to settle a case brought by seven former employees and a veteran BBC journalist, admitting it defamed them in the aftermath of a Panorama investigation into its handling of antisemitism.
It doesn’t mention the possibility that Labour had no need to settle, as its legal advisors had told Starmer that the party was likely to win if the case came to court. His decision to capitulate is inexplicable.
And how many other disasters have gone unreported? Labour lost thousands of pounds defending itself in court against This Writer’s case, that the party had broken its own disciplinary rules in order to expel me.
The finding was that the party had not broken its rules, which are extremely vague in respect of what may actually be done – but Labour did appear to have broken the regulations it had in place at the time, in order to justify throwing me out. The court ordered that Labour should not be repaid the thousands of pounds it had spent on the case.
How many other such cases have taken place? What other disputes have eroded the party’s funds?
Remember: Labour became the richest UK political party under Jeremy Corbyn because he inspired hundreds of thousands of people to join up – people Keir Starmer has been desperately trying to throw off since he became leader.
Starmer’s plan, it seems, was to go back to relying on donations from big businesses – the same model as that used by Tony Blair during the ‘New Labour’ period of the mid-1990s to 2015.
But his failure to inspire popular support – because he hasn’t said what he stands for – means businesses aren’t supporting him.
There is only one conclusion to draw:
Here’s an obvious, incontrovertible sentence you won’t read in the press tomorrow as Labour makes more layoffs:
The party is in a financial death spiral because of Keir Starmer. I have no idea whose advising him – it’s as if he’s trying to end the Labour Party.
— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) July 19, 2021
If he isn’t trying to end his own party, then it is ironic that he might be saved from his own stupidity by NEC members who oppose the proscription plan. The UK’s biggest union, and Labour’s biggest donor – Unite – is against it:
Oh, brilliant plan. Labour is haemorrhaging member subscriptions, and is so broke it is having to lay off staff, so @Keir_Starmer's idea of repairing its finances is to enrage the party's largest donor by purging and victimising socialists. https://t.co/p6FzA7TW2N pic.twitter.com/qEsThNwAc2
— leftworks #WeAreCorbyn (@leftworks1) July 19, 2021
The quoted section in the above tweet is from the Guardian article, again, and states:
Labour’s biggest donor, the Unite trade union, attacked the plans on Monday, saying: “While working-class communities are continuing to bear the brunt of the sickness and employment worries made much worse by Conservative mishandling of the pandemic, Labour is abandoning the field of battle against this government to turn its fire on its members instead.”
The union added that such “acts of political machismo” create a “sense of despair among voters who see a party at perpetual war with itself”.
And NEC members from the left-wing Grassroots Voice organisation also oppose the proscriptions:
Our joint statement on proscription ahead of tomorrow’s NEC meeting 👇🏽 pic.twitter.com/3qQ78WZsti
— Nadia Jama (@MizJama) July 19, 2021
The group states:
We believe that asking us to consider this matter … is a continuation of the destructive, factional behaviours from the leadership of the party which have marked the last year.
This isn’t just about the organisations we are being asked to consider… it is about … setting a precedent, proscribing these organisations as a forerunner to proscription of more and more groupings on the left of the party, to ultimately expel large sections of the Labour left and erase the Bennite and other socialist traditions within the party.
Then again,
Starmer has a supportive majority on the NEC, so the plans are expected to be agreed.
If so, then Starmer has stuffed the NEC with drones who are just as stupid as he is and the Labour Party no longer deserves to survive.
So those like Mrs Gee, below, who believe the Left is on a hiding to nothing if it carries on with Labour, may be entirely justified in that view – and, while it may take decades to get a new party up to the popularity Labour achieved under great left-wing leaders like Clement Attlee and Harold Wilson, it may be better to work towards that than to support a lost cause:
If I'm honest I don't want the whip restoring to Jeremy Corbyn
I'd rather other Labour MPs resigned the whip in protest & started a new party as part of a progressive alliance to seriously take on the Tories across the UK because clearly centrist Labour has no plans to do that
— Mrs Gee #TransformPolitics 💚🇵🇸🍉 (@earthygirl011) July 19, 2021
Whatever happens, it seems the Labour Party, as run by Keir Starmer, is over.
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Labour voters in Scotland had an alternative party to vote for, the SNP. In England there seems to be no viable alternative party for those who consider themselves Labour. If there was then I think the party would be entirely finished in the UK.
It’s such a shame, the original party was the only representation for the workers and had a strong sense of morals. It’s now a shadow of what it has once been. Leaders like Corbyn managed to re engage younger voters who had been widely ignored by all main parties beforehand. Now they are being ignored, and their needs not considered, once more.
Starmer’s leadership more or less guarantees another Tory govt at the next GE, with a reduced majority but nevertheless another few years of chaos and cruelty.
Does anyone else see the irony in the Labour Party being a welcoming place for Jewish people -whilst Starmer wants to expel JVL members. Isn’t that being anti-Semitic or does Starmer think that only those Jewish people that oppose Jeremy Corbyn are welcome.
Starmer and his cronies are destroying the Labour Party, and they know it.
It’s Neil Coyle who said he wanted to expel JVL. But I dare say Starmer agrees with him. Yes, I agree with you that Starmer seems only to want Jews who oppose Jeremy Corbyn in his Labour Party.
With regard to Starmer dropping the “Panarama” legal case and paying off the seven ex staffers and the BBC “journalist”… rather than the decision being “inexplicable” , it was actually inevitable, given that, had the case gone to court the machinations of the Labour Party machine and a significant number of Labour MPs against the possibility of a Labour victory in 2017 would have been laid out bare for all to see…as far as Starmer and his supporters were concerned, that was not an acceptable option as it would incriminate their faction of the party…so the dropped the case and paid off the very people that were responsible for undermining Labours efforts in 2017.
So they rewarded the very people who caused the damage? Interesting…