Labour receives anti-Semitism complaint against hard-right MP Neil Coyle

Neil Coyle: right-wing anti-Semite.
How much hypocrisy will we see from Labour as the party tries to squirm out of this one?
After he published a tweet demanding that the left-wing organisation Jewish Voice for Labour should be proscribed by the Labour Party – its members expelled from party membership – the Labour Party has received a complaint of anti-Semitism against Neil Coyle MP.
Here’s his tweet:
Not far enough. JVL should be gone too. And other outright Communists who have their own political party/ies they can ruin.
— Neil Coyle (@coyleneil) July 17, 2021
The message clearly displays anti-Jewish hatred. He provides no evidence to support his claim that JVL’s members are Communists or that they have other parties they can “ruin” (because there isn’t any). He was just bashing the Jews.
The complaint states: “To request that people be expelled from the Labour Party for being members of Jewish Voice for Labour is blatantly antisemitic.”
It also refers to Labour’s case against This Writer – me, demonstrating that Coyle can’t get out of the accusation by saying he did not intend his tweet to be considered anti-Semitic – or even if he managed to prove that there is no anti-Semitism in his tweet (which would be a long stretch).
“As a precedent has been previously set by Labour Party investigations such as Labour Party vs Mike Sivier, where the statements ‘Whether your comments are anti-Semitic is neither here nor there’ and ‘This is about perception… It’s about how this is perceived by the Jewish community’ were made,” the complaint states, “there is absolutely no defence for Mr Coyle to claim that he didn’t mean his statement to be antisemitic. [I’ve added in the appropriate link.]
“The important point here, as Labour Party investigators have ruled, is the perception of his statement, and there is absolutely no doubt that his statement can be perceived as antisemitic.”
I should stress at this point that I have not made this complaint. I merely know about it because I am mentioned in it.
So how will Keir Starmer’s racist, anti-Semitic party wheedle its way out of this one and protect its swivel-eyed right-wing (fascist?) racist anti-Semite of a Parliamentarian?
I reckon they’ll dismiss the complaint because it doesn’t suggest overtly that Coyle has brought the Labour Party into disrepute – even though it is obvious to anybody with a brain that this is exactly what he has done.
His tweet not only shows demonstrable anti-Semitism but drags the Labour Party administration down with him because it implies that the plan to proscribe organisations, simply because (let’s face it) the current leaders don’t like them, is also anti-Semitic.
And it is – I’m sure there are plenty of Jews in Labour Against the Witchhunt, to name just one of the organisations suffering a blanket ban from Tuesday (July 20).
Worst of all, for Jewish party members and UK-based Jews in general, is the fact that victimisation of them is just the excuse that Starmer and his ugly cronies are using to divest the once-socialist, formerly-great party of anybody whose political views are to the left of Mussolini’s.
Keep an eye on this one. Starmer is likely to embarrass himself brutally – and the wounds will all be self-inflicted.
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I can understand that, after Mike’s past treatment at the hands of the Labour Party, supporting a cry of “anti-Semitism” against Neil Coyle might afford a certain satisfaction. However, the articles about the Coyle tweet seem to ignore the nonJewish membership within JVL. “Solidarity” members do not have the voting rights of “Full” (Jewish) members but share the group’s aims. In the un!ikely event that the Labour Party proposed to proscribe only Jewish members of JVL, then a charge of anti-Semitism might be justified.
My point withstanding, carry on the great work!
I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. If Labour were to proscribe an organisation that only admits Jewish members of the Labour Party to full membership, then it would be committing an act of anti-Semitism. No ifs, no buts, no, “ah, but it takes ‘associate’ members who aren’t Jewish”‘s. It doesn’t matter. The anti-Semitism is clear.
In fact, it could be argued that Labour was destroying the organisation altogether, as it only admits Jewish Labour Party members, and nobody could be a Labour member anymore if it was proscribed.
The Jewish Labour Movement, on the other hand, accepts anybody including Tories.
Heh, I do hope Mike has gotten in a nice snack and is sitting comfortably to watch this farce!
Especially how they condemned him despite anyone with a functional brain can see he was innocent!
This is going to be funny in a ironic way no doubt…
I was going to sit quietly and see what happened before writing anything.
But then I thought that nothing might happen if Labour didn’t have a little push in the right direction, courtesy of the social media.
This is already my second most popular article this week.
Popcorn, anyone?
It seems like Jewish people within and outwith the Labour Party are just a political football for the leadership and they don’t actually care about the people themselves.
I could imagine that any complaint made could be nullified by removing the complainant from the party before the complaint is processed? But I can’t see how his statement could be regarded in any way different from those which have seen people expelled. To defend against is would be to admit they have been wrong already..
Labour takes complaints from non-members as well as members – otherwise many of the complaints from Labour Against Anti-Semitism (for one) may have been disqualified depending on which member of that group made them. Also if the Board of Deputies of British Jews – most of whom are Tories – made complaints, they would not have counted without this rule.