Guilt-shaming Gove should know: people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

Michael Gove: that’s a Chelsea FC scarf he’s wearing. His love of that team led him to fly to Portugal where he had close contact with people who had Covid-19. He didn’t follow the rules that we must; he put himself on an elite ‘daily testing’ scheme instead, potentially endangering his work colleagues. And now he’s threatening to deny people who don’t have the vaccine access to events like the one he attended. What a barefaced hypocrite.
It’s a classic ‘nudge’ strategy: you want somebody to do something, you make them feel guilty about it.
So Michael Gove probably thought it was perfectly reasonable to say people who don’t want the Covid-19 vaccine are selfish; that they are endangering the rest of us.
Trouble is, he‘s the selfish Tory minister who refused to self-isolate after the Covid-19 app on his phone pinged him for close contact with infected people when he flew off to Portugal to watch the Champions League final. Instead, he availed himself of a ‘daily test’ regime available only to a select few.
So he added another stick to poke the non-vaxxers into the vaccination centres: anybody turning down the vaccine may be barred from events he described as requiring a certain level of safety.
Like football matches?
His argument doesn’t work. His own history makes this another “one rule for Tory ministers, a different rule for everybody else” situation.
And if the vaccine is so fantastically good, then the people refusing it will be the only ones likely to die if they catch Covid-19. Everybody else will be protected – right?
The alternative is that there really is a covert reason for making us all have these injections.
Are the conspiracy theorists right?
What are these Tories pumping into us?
So now Gove has gone from making us feel guilty if we haven’t had the jab to making us all worry that the injection is secretly an attack against us.
And what does it mean?
It means if I hadn’t already had my jabs, I’d be seriously considering turning them down. I don’t go out much anyway.
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my brother and my 85 year old father both caught covid 19 without symptoms and both are fine! they have now had their jabs but what are those jabs for?? as far as I understand the vaccine doesn’t stop you getting the virus or passing it on! if you do not get sick then why must you get the jab?
Another tosser “rules don’t apply to him dimwit”
my God looks like we’re stuck with these imbiciles for God knows how long?? there’s no one to vote for now & that’s so crazy… ever since I had my first jab back in February my nose has run consistently… even gets blocked to the point that I can’t breath thru it… I diddnt even know Bercow had joined Labour so I must have been sleeping under a rock or something… I’ve always had a liking to John Bercow as I think he was very fair so yes he nay be a strong contender to lead Labour.. Good Luck everyone….
Well, personally I think it is about reducing the effects of covid enough so the government can make us carry on as normal. I don’t think the plan was ever to irradicate it, just reduce the deaths and hospitalisation enough to make it less significant.
The government has gained a lot while we’ve been distracted and in lockdown, and the richest have got a lot richer, but that cannot go on forever. Since there is no full vaccine, the best the government can do is give us all have partial defence.
So nudging the people is necessary because a significant number of refusals makes it easier for the virus to mutate (which it probably will anyway in the poorer countries where vaccination is low).
I assume also there will be more improved vaccines which the government will want us to have so it is important to promote them as a moral duty. Also I think that angle also works to encourage faith in the vaccines, to encourage people to get back to works and carry on as normal.
So it’s a big lie to make us think everything is okay if we take something that won’t protect us fully, and that the virus is probably circumventing by mutating into different strains in foreign countries – which will be carried into the UK to kill more of us because Boris Johnson refuses to close the borders?
That’s what you’re saying, right?
If so, then I don’t think we have any duty to support this fairy tale, moral or otherwise; it’s an attempt to gaslight the nation – and put us all into danger.
The situation is NOT normal. It is HARMFUL to pretend that it is.
Any virus will try to survive. Those hosts whose bodies offer resistance are the ones in which the virus will mutate more readily thus making the virus more dangerous. I am no fan of herd immunity but in nature, letting a virus run it’s course through a population is the reason why nature’s strongest and healthiest survive where the hosts with weaker immunisation don’t. A virus broke out among the Saiga antelope and killed off half the population and it was feared the animal would face extinction but two years later it has almost fully recovered it’s numbers. This is why there are too many proponents of “herd immunity”, presumably because they don’t care how many have to die or who they might be(ie. our disabled, elderly and immune compromised). If anyone is of a mind to go down that road I can and do have my own opinion about them which shall remain unsaid here.
The Corona virus has been around since May 2019 and spread slowly at first but as the virus came to know it’s host it found ways to hasten it’s ability to spread, all it had to do was infect and move on by altering it’s means of dispersion, which is exactly what it did. The mutant strains evolved from the resistance the virus met when trying to infect a host which had a degree of antibodies resistant to it’s presence in it’s original state so it adapted. THAT is why the virus is now more dangerous than it was prior to “immunisation” which is now known to be seeding from the vaccinated because of the way the vaccines were constructed.
What I will say here is that people’s rights should not be trampled on simply because of uninformed opinion and the desire of certain people to dictate to others what is right…where no irrefutable proof is offered and what is wrong.