Covid-19 surge in Scotland after schools reopen – but Sturgeon won’t accept it

Nicola Sturgeon: she reckons schools must stay open, even though Covid-19 infections in Scotland have rocketed since the new term started.
This is what will happen in England – and on a much larger scale.
Scottish schools have reopened after their summer break – and Covid-19 infection rates have surged to their highest-ever level.
It is the predictable result of Boris Johnson’s ‘Freedom Day’ – the relaxation of all legal restrictions on gathering and distancing, which Scotland copied a few weeks ago.
Infections have been rising since the August 2 low of 799 and stood yeterday at 5,021 – Scotland’s highest-ever total.
Stunningly, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is refusing to face the facts and go back into lockdown. She’s reluctant even to go back through the stages of social distancing.
Speaking yesterday, the First Minister said: “I don’t want to go back to anything like a full lockdown.
If we, all of us, take the basic precautions right now that we know can slow the virus, then I hope no re-imposition of restrictions will be necessary.
How many people would have to die before she changes her mind?*
And she is determined to keep schools open, even though it is clear to anybody with a brain that they are the principal point from which Covid-19 is being transmitted to the population.
Her government has stressed that keeping schools open would be a number one priority regardless of what happens, with deputy FM John Swinney saying closures should be avoided “at all costs”.
Do those costs include preventable deaths? From what Swinney said, it seems they do.
How sad. We might have expected more intelligence from the Scottish government.
Perhaps Boris Johnson has just proved that stupidity is as easily-transmissible as the virus.
*Personally, This Writer thinks Sturgeon – and any other leader whose decisions cause preventable deaths (Boris Johnson) – should be made to visit personally the families of anybody who dies as a result of her decisions to apologise and offer restitution for the wrong she will have intentionally inflicted on them. At least that would keep her out of mischief for a (long) while.
Source: Covid in Scotland: Circuit breaker lockdown ‘an option’ to tackle virus surge | The National
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Hospitalisation and deaths have yet to go up significantly though. Compared to pre vaccination figures we are seeing a two thirds reduction in deaths.
Of course it has the potential to be even worse in England. Scotland has kept the mask laws in place and some restrictions on large gatherings still whereas the restrictions in England were completed lifted. Prior to the schools returning, almost a fortnight ago now, the infection rates (per hundred thousand) were about half of England’s and now it’s approximately 20% higher (for the last 7 days) So that’s with Schools back, pubs back, restrictions lifted but still having mask laws. Vaccination levels are very slightly higher though that won’t make much of a difference. The difference is if any areas have particularly low uptake. Scotland has had good uptake across the majority of the country but the North of England hasn’t had such a good response. Look at the figures for Blackpool for example. High infection rates (compared to national average) and low vaccine uptake rates. It only needs a few areas like this when schools return for COVID to take a real hold again. Whilst the drop in deaths is spectacular we are now ONLY dependent on the vaccine and no other measures in England, this is a mistake. It might be okay if the vaccination rollout was completed and about to restart for boosters but the over 18s aren’t finished, the 16 & 17 y/os are yet to start and, if as we expect, 12 – 15 y/os are to be vaccinated then we have a long way to go..