Starmer promises fair pay for workers but – remember what he did with all his other promises?

Keir Starmer at conference. He SAYS: Blah blah blah FAIR PAY, blah blah blah WORKERS’ RIGHTS, blah blah blah PUBLIC FACING, blah blah blah. He MEANS: None of it. He’ll sell you out if he gets the chance.
Apparently the Labour leadership is going to open this year’s party conference with a promise that
A Labour government would launch “fair pay agreements” to ensure business and employees agree and stick by minimum standards for pay and conditions.
Seem good to you?
If so, allow me to remind you:
Keir Starmer recently fired around 90 Labour employees, then re-hired around 50 of them on worse pay and conditions.
Keir Starmer made 10 promises to party members in the run-up to his election as leader in April last year – and has broken them ALL.
Does this “fair pay” promise still seem good to you?
The correct answer is “no”.
Starmer is a liar. Don’t believe his twaddle.
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And concealed his big donors until after the leadership election was over.