Starmer lies again: what did he mean by ‘public ownership’ if not nationalisation?

Liar: Keir Starmer backpedalled wildly on his leadership election promise to bring the privatised utility companies back into public ownership, when Andrew Marr challenged him in a TV interview.
Andrew Marr was quite right to call out Keir Starmer on his big nationalisation lie.
Back when he was seeking election to the Labour leadership, Starmer made 10 pledges. One of them was this:
Pledge number 5, back when Keir Starmer was asking Labour members to vote for him #justsayinglike #marr
— Jim Monaghan (@JimMonaghan10) September 26, 2021
We all took this to be a ‘continuity’ pledge for the renationalisation of the big utilities that we all use – as defined under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn.
But today (September 26) in an interview with the BBC’s Andrew Marr, Starmer as-good-as admitted that this pledge was a lie.
Confronted with his original pledge, he said: “I don’t see nationalisation there.”
Watch: The moment Keir Starmer ruled out nationalisation of Britain’s big 6 energy companies.
Credit to the BBC for calling out his bullshit on this.
— Tory Fibs (@ToryFibs) September 26, 2021
He went on to say: “Where common ownership is value for money for the taxpayer, then I am in favour of common ownership.”
Okay – what about gas, then? Gas prices are skyrocketing and the privatised firms are passing the shock on to consumers. If those companies were nationalised, then there would be no need for massive price rises as they could be rationalised into the future. Value for the taxpayer, right?
Starmer wouldn’t answer when Marr challenged him on this.
Of course, he had painted himself into a corner. His silly schoolboy essay had promised business leaders more privatisation and he couldn’t go back on that because he wants to be seen to be a “safe pair of hands” to take over Establishment interests when Boris Johnson’s Tories are no longer any good to the parasites.
It must be a real let-down for Ed Miliband, who was still claiming that fake, Starmer, Labour supports public ownership to the hilt on Newsnight last week:
"We are in favour of common ownership absolutely… Starmer said this in the leadership campaign – we haven't changed that commitment."
– Shadow business secretary Ed Miliband on Labour supporting public ownership of energy, water and transport.@Ed_Miliband | #Newsnight
— BBC Newsnight (@BBCNewsnight) September 13, 2021
In the light of Starmer’s lie, will Miliband turn himself into a liar?
Or will he agree that Starmer has betrayed a key pledge to party members – and to the nation?
For the rest of us, there should be no surprise at the fact that Starmer was lying when he said he would bring all those utilities back into public ownership.
All his other leadership pledges were lies, too.
And that raises an important point: Starmer was elected Labour leader on the basis of 10 pledges – promises to take particular actions as party leader. And he has since rejected all of them.
Doesn’t this indicate that he was elected on the basis of a tissue of lies?
If so, then shouldn’t he resign on the basis that he cannot be trusted, and another leadership election be called?