Dominic Raab doesn’t know what misogyny means. How is he qualified to rule on it?

“He has no idea what he’s doing”: Raab blocked anti-Brexit groups after they broadcast this image while he was Brexit secretary – but it is just as valid today as it was then.
Dominic Raab rejected the idea that misogyny should be a hate crime – on a TV interview in which he then demonstrated ample proof that he didn’t even know what it means.
BBC Breakfast presenter Sally Nugent had to read a dictionary definition of the word to him after he said, “Misogyny is absolutely wrong, whether it’s a man against a woman or a woman against a man”.
Misogyny is hatred aimed specifically by men against women.
Hatred by women against men is misandry.
And Dominic Raab is so illiterate, he did not know the difference. Couldn’t he even be bothered to get a briefing from someone in the know?
… Ah. Well, I think we all know the answer to that. After all, he didn’t understand the importance of the Dover-Calais crossing when he was Brexit secretary.
Oh no biggie, but our main Brexit negotiator has just admitted he didn’t realise how dependent we are on the Calais-Dover crossing
— Owen Jones (@OwenJones84) November 8, 2018
That’s why one commenter tweeted that he wasn’t surprised Raab didn’t know the meaning of ‘Misogyny’: “I am surprised that he didn’t think Misogyny was a place just south of Calais.”
Raab also demonstrated his ignorance of ‘taking the knee’.
We all know it’s a symbolic gesture against racism, in protest against the lack of attention given to issues of racial inequality and police brutality. Right?
Raab didn’t.
And now this:
Dominic Raab had claimed misogyny was wrong "whether it is a man against a woman or a woman against a man"
— Mirror Politics (@MirrorPolitics) October 6, 2021
And this is what passes for Cabinet-level expertise in Boris Johnson’s government?
I know Raab has been demoted from Foreign Secretary but it is clear that he is still being asked to perform far beyond his capabilities and the UK will suffer as a result.
EXTRA: This response is too good to leave on Twitter:
— Martin Philip Odoni (@HavetStorm) October 9, 2021
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A Cabinet of buffoons, Billionaires, Millionaires, and Hooray Henrys.
The greatest prejudice below the obvious Black Lives Matter discrimination, with solidarity, is Ageist Misogyny to women aged over 50. No party on the Left cares less about us, with nil pension policies.
We expect that from the Right, as has happened throughout UK history.
over50sparty org uk
I sometimes wonder whether general male violence, philandering, sexism and controlling behavior toward girls/women are related to the same constraining societal idealization of the ‘real man’ (albeit perhaps more subtly than in the past): He is stiff-upper-lip physically and emotionally strong, financially successful, confidently fights and wins, assertively solves problems, and exemplifies sexual prowess. (Meanwhile, there’s the Toronto Now article headlined “Keep Cats Out of Your Dating Profile, Ridiculous Study Suggests” and sub-headlined “Men were deemed less masculine and less attractive when they held up cats in their dating pics, according to researchers”. Supposedly weak or sensitive men need not apply, one presumes.)
Maybe society should be careful what it collectively wishes for.
Shortly after Donald Trump was sworn-in as president, a 2016 survey of American women conducted not long after his abundant misogyny was exposed to the world revealed that a majority of respondents nonetheless found him appealing, presumably due to his alpha-male great financial success and confidence.