Iain Duncan Smith tries to send us back to the office by talking about the Blitz. Blimey!

Iain Duncan Smith: on his way into the office? Or working from home?
If this is how Iain Duncan Smith hopes to break back into mainstream politics, he’s a worse idiot than we all thought he was.
He has joined the apparent Tory campaign that says it is unpatriotic to work from home because people still went into their offices “while Hitler’s bombs were raining down”.
So, inbred Tory idiot Iain Duncan Smith has declared that it’s unpatriotic to work from home because (and I quote) people still went into their offices “while Hitler’s bombs were raining down”.
His logic has it that this means office workers should go back, risking infection with Covid-19 and the possibility of death.
There are several problems with this:
Firstly, people didn’t stay in their offices while Hitler’s bombs were raining down. They went to air raid shelters.
Secondly, Hitler’s bombs weren’t contagious.
And thirdly, there was no Internet in 1940, so people had no choice but to work in the office when the bombs weren’t raining down.
Which, of course, blithely ignores the fact that:
This Writer is grateful to a good friend on Facebook who explained why it is “strangely appropriate” that Duncan Smith should attempt to invoke the Blitz Spirit, “but not in the way he thinks”.
It is a reminder that the Tory-led government of the day was just as happy to let the working class of London die as the Tory government of today – and for the same reason: to keep the economy going:
“Remember that the government of the day didn’t want to open ANY deep underground shelters precisely because they feared the shiftless working classes *wouldn’t* go back to work if they did.
“The East End was reportedly on the brink of ‘open revolt’ due to the lack of adequate shelter from those bombs, and the authorities put guards on the tube station entrances
“Eventually several stations were stormed and opened up, by a combination of communists and anarchists.
“The government didn’t give a sh*t — they were quite happy for the working class of London to die, as long as the wheels of the economy kept turning.”
And there’s another lesson to take from the war – one that is as relevant today as it was then:
Why are Brexiters and Tories obsessed with The Blitz? It was 80 years ago. The only lesson to be learnt is that people who lived through it knew that we could not return to the inequalities of the past so the welfare state and the NHS were born.
That was building back better.— The Eve of St.Agnes 🇮🇪🇪🇺🌍🌹☘️ (@AggieRyan) October 10, 2021
Sadly, we did return to the inequalities of the past. And – worse – it seems our Tory-complicit media are successfully brainwashing the majority into thinking they’ve never had it so good.
Most people are happy to continue throwing away all the gains made with the welfare state and the NHS.
Still, plenty of people are putting out the right messages, if only everybody else could be bothered to pay attention:
Did you know?
They didn't have broadband, the Internet, or home computers in the 1940s pic.twitter.com/gqXLHnWwc7
— Another Angry Voice (@Angry_Voice) October 10, 2021
Never realised the Blitz was infectious. pic.twitter.com/HHreDRWmMl
— Breakthrough Party 🟠🌤️ (@BThroughParty) October 10, 2021
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) October 10, 2021
The video in the article below is particularly good:
Bombs are not like viruses, war is not the same as a pandemic, working from home is a choice we have now, that we didn't in the 1940's. Iain Duncan Smith is still a Tory dumbass though. #blitzspirit #DamoRants
Iain Duncan Smith the Blitz spirit bungler! https://t.co/I9pkVcOJzg pic.twitter.com/qZ0TRbk4cI
— Damien Willey 🟢 🔴 (@KernowDamo) October 10, 2021
Of course the article by the man whose own military career resulted in a failure to win promotion and the nickname, on This Site, of ‘RTU’ (Return To Unit – the worst disgrace for an officer candidate), is just part of a “Get Back To The Office” campaign by the Daily Heil.
Other articles on the same line include the gem below, in which the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan is blamed on home working, rather than the incompetence of the Conservative Cabinet Minister responsible for the mess.
It had nothing to do with the Defence Minister not being arsed to make phone calls, or the entire decade during which we WERE in the office, but failed to plan. pic.twitter.com/309s8gZYxH
— Russ Jones (@RussInCheshire) October 10, 2021
I can only hope that those who are gullible enough to believe this tripe have strong enough bodies to recover from the Covid-19 doses they’ll undoubtedly catch – and to make up for the weakness of their minds.
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IDS you tell that to Bojo-The-Clown.
Ahh that old old chestnut the ‘blitz spirit’ so beloved by the fascist tories because they constantly utter the same old fascist tory lies! Sure ‘blitz spirit’ was one wherein working class women, children and men were denied their right to air raid shelters because only the tory supporters/donors were allowed access!
Iain Duncan Smith didn’t bother to listen when his history teacher was discussing WW II because little Smith thought he didn’t need to learn!
The stupid lies fascist tory media keeps publishing and still gullible morons believe these lies! I didn’t realise Taliban were able to seize political control of Afghanistan because female and male workers refused to go back to their offices!
Remember that fascist tory named Dominic Raab who was enjoying a lavish holiday in Crete and refused to return to UK because his holiday was more important than working as Foreign Secretary during the Afghan crisis!
I was told that the reason home working never took off in the first place because a certain class of mid-managers suddenly realised that if it did, they’d be redundant, This is the kind of people, who need to be put on an ark ship and sent into space on the pretext that we’re all about to be eaten by a giant mutant star goat. The real reason is that, like IDS, they’re really ‘a bunch of useless bloody loonies’.