#BorisJohnson would rather build a #RoyalYacht vanity project than protect children from #Covid19

Endangered: I don’t think school pupils are allowed to sit this close to each other any more (are they?) but if they were, air filters in their classrooms would help attack the spread of Covid-19. Too bad Boris Johnson would rather spend twice as much money on a so-called Royal Yacht, to tickle his vanity, isn’t it?
I’m writing this on the day the UK recorded a new daily record of Covid-19 infections – 129,471 cases, and the Tory government announced that the current evidence does not support more measures to combat the spread of the disease.
In fact, the Tories may well be right. At 9,546, the number of hospitalisations is much lower than the peak of 34,336 on January 18 this year, when fewer infections had been recorded.
But there’s an enormous cohort of the population that has not been fully vaccinated, and today – it seems – we have evidence that the government would rather build a new “Royal Yacht” in which privileged people would gad about the world trying to do trade deals than protect them.
I refer, of course, to school-age children.
That’s certainly what the above tweet leads This Writer to believe (that we are being led to believe what Shuaib is saying).
It’s based on this Guardian article, which says scientists and campaigners have claimed fitting air filters would “significantly” reduce the transmission of Covid-19 in schools.
Without such a measure, the statistical likelihood is still that huge numbers of school pupils and their teachers will catch the disease and that an appreciable number of them will be hospitalised; a lower proportion of the total, perhaps, but when the total is so much higher, the actual number may also be large.
The statistical likelihood is also that some of these children and adults will die – or will suffer Long Covid for an unspecified time afterwards.
But Boris Johnson doesn’t care about your kids or their teachers! He wants his yacht, because a hugely-expensive status symbol is far more important than some poor person’s brat!
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I remember reading somewhere (was it here?) that the Queen doesn’t even want a new yacht.
Research ! Johnson the NPD sociopath only wants the ycht because he rthinks he will get a title. Johnson has no interest in CV19 and now the world is fighting int he international criminal courts for the people who are being held prisoner in lockdowns to destroy their lives, spirit and income. This was already planned and started by Thatcher .i investigated the debt slave society then1980’s ! CV19 came from USA and was leaked by stupid USA military accudent , the plan was not due to be implemented for several more years. the CV19 jabs are deliberately made to lower immunity to everytthing and if you bother to do deeper research the real facts are all there 100% the entire cabimet are comp[osed of selected Soviopathic puppets. Untill you get those facts through your head this terrororism will not be stopped.
Back away slowly, everyone. I think Cassandra007 here means it.