Are government staff really being ordered to break the law over #DowningStreetParties?

What they want erased: Downing Street staff are being ordered to erase information on their mobile phones relating to the alleged Downing Street lockdown-busting parties. Note that this image from the May 2020 event shows Boris Johnson sitting next to the organiser, Martin Reynolds, with a bottle of wine on the table. And he says he didn’t realise it was a party?
This is damning: it seems staff at 10 Downing Street have been ordered to clear their mobile phones of any information that could suggest lockdown parties were held there. This is a criminal offence.
According to the Independent,
Two sources claim a senior member of staff told them it would be a “good idea” to remove any messages implying they had attended or were even aware of anything that could “look like a party”.
It’s on Twitter too:
For clarity, this is what it means:
Interesting, that.
Boris Johnson claimed he had changed his phone altogether in order to avoid responsibility for failing to pass on WhatsApp messages about the refurbishment of his Downing Street flat. Was that a criminal offence?
And Lord Bethell, the Tory then-minister responsible for awarding Covid-19-related contracts that bypassed the normal procurement system, replaced his mobile phone before it could be searched for information relevant to £85m of deals that are subject to a legal challenge. An offence?
If so, then this former minister and Prime Minister should be subject to prosecution.
Ah, but they’re members of Parliament and therefore above the law, aren’t they?
Downing Street staff aren’t. They should think very carefully before erasing anything from their phones.
In fact, they should probably take their phones to the police.
Experts can easily restore erased material anyway.
Source: No 10 staff told to ‘clean up’ phones amid lockdown party allegations | The Independent
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What annoyed me the most is this bone headed idea that getting rid of my phone erases all the evidence. Let me explain how modern digital architecture and data storage works 101. All you have to do it take your email address and the password you set when you set up the phone or WhatsApp account and then guess what all your pictures, email and everything else is stored in the cloud NOT just on your phone then magickly you can access this or put it back on another phone if needed. There is no throw the phone away to remove evidence it’s a LIE told to you because stupid people don’t understand how things work.
They are still thinking analogue in a digital world wake up and smell them bits so again for the stupid and Tory MPs out there repeat after me destroying or throwing away the phone does not remove lets call it ‘evidence’. Heck even erasing bits doesn’t destroy it you can’t it can be recovered by the companies it’s NOT encrypted on there servers. I just wish someone whould tell the press and public to stop this endless lie about getting shot of the phone erases the data sorry mobiles and cloud based apps don’t work like that!!!!
Why am I not surprised they are obviously been threatened with the sack!!