Embattled Tories kick down hard – they want to make benefit claimants suffer

Sanction centre: the Tories are giving unemployed Universal Credit claimants just four months to get a job in the sector they want before demanding that they take what they’re offered or face sanctions. But who will profit? The jobseeker – or the employer?
When all else fails, bash benefit claimants. It’s the Tory way.
— Prof Paul Bernal (@PaulbernalUK) January 27, 2022
This Writer has never understood why working-class people vote for the Conservatives when the Tories always attack them.
This is especially true when the Tories are themselves under attack, so it should be no surprise to anybody that they are victimising benefit claimants again.
This time it is unemployed people on Universal Credit who are taking the brunt of the pain:
Unemployed workers will be forced to take up a job in any sector or face swift financial sanctions under a crackdown designed to fill hundreds of thousands of vacancies.
Claimants will be given just four weeks – down from three months – to find a job within their preferred sector. After that point, if they fail to make “reasonable efforts” to secure a job or turn down any offer, they will have part of their universal credit payment withdrawn.
The move, which is part of an initiative to get 500,000 people into work by June and fill 1.2m job vacancies nationally, comes as Boris Johnson seeks to reassert control over the political agenda amid the “partygate” crisis.
See? It’s a distraction tactic.
The important question is: how much do these jobs pay?
Unemployed people aren’t likely to care if they take a job in their preferred sector; the priority for anybody at times of hardship is to get one that pays the bills.
And this is the problem.
The Conservatives have spent nearly 12 years, since they slithered back into office in 2010, pushing wages down – so the average is now thousands of pounds less than it used to be (in real terms).
And people are struggling.
Do these 1.2 million new jobs pay a living wage?
Or will anybody taking them still be claiming Universal Credit, simply to survive?
That’s a government subsidy for employers, of course – not a benefit for the employee.
It’s not acceptable and, as the government, the Tories should be ensuring that it doesn’t happen.
But they won’t, because they haven’t bothered at any other time since May 2010.
The remarkable thing is that, knowing the Tories are victimising the electorate, voters still send them back to Parliament. In the name of all that’s sane, why?
Do middle-class voters really think that these punitive moves against vulnerable people are saving the rest of us from supporting scroungers, benefit cheats, and people who are just too lazy to work?
Do working-class voters – the ones this police attacks – really think a Tory government provides an opportunity for them to become billionaires, by hard work and struggle? Has it not occurred to them that they work much harder than those people and still get nowhere because the system is stacked against them?
People need to think about what Tory policies actually do – and ignore the propaganda. Then they need to vote accordingly.
Source: Universal credit claimants face tough sanctions in UK job crackdown | Benefits | The Guardian
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People who vote conservative deserve all they get
Working man sweeping the roads was asked did he mind telling who he voted for his reply was Thatcher then add why because she allowed him to buy his council house from there on in it becomes a me me me society many not worrying about their fellow humans only themselves it’s without doubt theyl not moan untill they also feel their wrath .isn’t life strange but now the peasants don’t care about their fellow man
A completely pointless argument when Labour is just as bad if not worse, along with the Unions Labour pretends to be on our side but that’s not been true since the 40s. and you all know it. Working class vote Tories purely as they don’t pretend to give a toss.
Who supports Labour any more?
Get out and join one of the new, genuinely socialist organisations that are in the People’s Alliance of the Left and make a difference!
Labour is not the only alternative in town.