The UK’s food bank shame will not be solved by Tories like Lee Anderson

Lee Anderson (right) with his leader Boris Johnson: no wonder Anderson thinks he can get away with a Big Lie when his boss is the biggest liar of them all.
This MP is a disgrace to his Ashfield constituency.
He stood up in the House of Commons and admitted that his local food bank won’t give out desperately-needed parcels to people unless they sign up to take a course in budgeting and cooking skills – but you’ll notice he never said anything about whether such courses were effective in reducing demand.
Mr Anderson invited MPs to visit a food bank in his Nottinghamshire constituency where he said people “have to register for a budgeting course and a cooking course” if they receive parcels.
“We show them how to cook cheap and nutritious meals on a budget,” he added. “We can make a meal for about 30p a day and this is cooking from scratch.”
“There’s not this massive use for food banks in this country. We’ve got generation after generation who can not cook properly… they can not budget.”
Here’s video of what he said, along with some of the more well-informed comments by opposition MPs:
As usual, though, the best commentary on this came from the food writer and blogger Jack Monroe, who slated Anderson’s comment in an LBC interview:
“It’s not a lack of skills or knowledge that is causing people to struggle in food poverty in this country…it’s the lack of resources, it’s the lack of finances.
“It’s not that people don’t know what to do with a bag of pasta, it’s that they don’t have the 29p to buy it in the first place.
“Helping somebody conditional on them saying ‘you know what, I’m a terrible kind of poor person, this is all my own fault, please teach me how to be better at being poor’, is disgusting, actually.
“In his own constituency one in three live in poverty…I don’t think he’s the one to be touting the solution.”
Jack, who is a genuine national treasure, went further on the Cooking on a Bootstrap website, reminding us all of the main reasons people can’t afford food any more – and the fatal results of these Conservative Party policies:
If the ‘let them eat 30p meals’ brigade were really concerned for the welfare of people suffering, and I mean suffering, under the worst cost of living crisis this country has known for decades, they would take heed from the thousands of stories of people who have died at the hands of the callous DWP machine, and the people who enthusiastically grease its sharp and unforgiving cogs.
Stephanie Bottrill, a mother of three who was so concerned about the impact that the bedroom tax would have on her family, that she walked out in front of an articulated lorry.
Phillipa Day, whose overdose resulted in a coroners report stating that the flaws in her PIP assessment led to her death. A nine day inquest uncovered multiple failings by both the DWP and the private sector contractor Capita in the handling of her case. The coroner issued the DWP a PFD report – Prevention Of Future Deaths – which was supposed to force them to make significant changes to the system in order to prevent this entirely needless tragedy from ever happening again. Did they implement the recommended changes? Of course not. Not then, and not after multiple more coroners reports and PFDs from multiple subsequent deaths in similar circumstances.
Jodey Whiting took her own life after her benefits were stopped. Her family received a letter endorsing the DWPs actions, incorrectly stating that Jodey was fit to work, and mailed it to them as their daughter lay in a mortuary, awaiting her untimely and again, utterly preventable, burial. Following her death, and with his life thrown into utter turmoil at the loss of his mother, her 19 year old son Cory also killed himself.
I have thousands of these stories, each and every one a heartbreakingly familiar narrative: a vulnerable person denied absolutely vital assistance, unable to bear the pain of a day to day life scrabbling at the periphery of insecurity and just-about-survival, choosing a devastatingly permanent ending to a story that they didn’t get the luxury of choosing their own adventure in. God, they didn’t even get the luxury of choosing their own living accommodation, the colour of their front doors, or the meagre combination of basic store cupboard staples that made up their dinners.
What kind of world do we live in, where these horrific and very real examples of destitution and desperation are not a clarion call for an immediate overhaul of a barbaric and repeatedly proven fatal ideology?
And it begs the point, that with several hundred thousand pounds of full time staff at their disposal to do the everyday grunt work, you’d think that MPs would use a fraction of that generous budget to actually do some research in their chosen field.
Yes indeed. Lee Anderson’s most recent expenses claim alone came to £220,000. That will have included the cost of employing his support staff, so the question goes straight to the point.
The painful reality is that when most basic of human needs costs more than the meagre payments that the recipients are forced to subsist on, cheap pasta and canned beans aren’t going to make a jot of difference unless you’re willing to stuff them up your jumper and make a run for it. Those that claim to be the party of clever economics and fiscal responsibility would do well to remember this simple truth: the square root of fuck all is always going to be absolutely fuck all, no matter how creatively you’re told to to dice it.
I make no apology for the strong language; sometimes people need to be told the facts in the hardest possible terms, just so they’ll sink in.
You’ll hear it again in the following video rant from another great social media icon, Cornish Damo:
You can't cook with nothing, you can't budget with nothing, so says Jack Monroe. Obvious to ordinary folk but not to a political pygmy like Tory Lee Anderson who blames the poor for not being very good at being poor, not that he'd know with his expenses bill. #DamoRants #Food
— Damien Willey 🟢 🔴 (@KernowDamo) May 12, 2022
Sadly, This Writer doubts that any amount of factual argument will persuade people like Anderson to change their tune, because they believe in the tactic the Tories stole (back) from the Nazi propagandist Goebbels: The Big Lie.
Anderson thinks if he keeps repeating, often enough, the lie that poverty is entirely the fault of people who are poor, and not of those who have deprived them of decent, affordable food, housing, energy, water and all the other necessities of life, we will all eventually believe that lie.
It’s up to you to prove him wrong.
ADDITIONAL: This could be very embarrassing for Mr Anderson:
I saw an article earlier where the food bank in question put the record straight because Anderson was wrong – cooking and budgeting classes are voluntary, not mandatory.
— Socially_Distant (@press_not_sorry) May 13, 2022
Here it is, from the Grauniad.
— Socially_Distant (@press_not_sorry) May 13, 2022
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The “Big Lie” actually originated from Churchill and Goebbels adopted it, so hardly surprising a sleazy Tory is using it.
If he is actually from a humble background he should be ashamed of himself for his own greed and professing to be the “Great White Saviour” who teaches the poor to live with being poorer.
He’s fooling no-one !
Yes, as I stated in the article, these Tories have stolen The Big Lie back.
My apologies, but I felt that it ought to be spelled out to educate those who are still blissfully unaware of it’s origins.
No worries!
30p a day lala land hmmm
I remember David Cameron standing in Parliament saying something along the lines of …..this morning I met a mother of a child who told me she was waiting for a food parcel from a charity, in this, the fourth largest economy in the world under a Labour government. Of course in those days prior to the Conservatives taking over there were no food banks and we are no longer the fourth largest economy in the world. With regard to our PPGDP China is top, US second Russia and Germany 5th and UK 8th. A very sobering thought and it can only get worse under the two party system. I wish Jeremy Corbyn had been able to gather politicians as he did before and stand in the next election.
The fascist tories incessant lies claiming impoverished women and men are wholly responsible for their situation is very effective because far too many individuals believe these lies! Remember propaganda works as evidenced by the Nazis and so the fascist tories continue to utter their lies and blame the poor!
Well done greedy Lee Anderson claiming £220,000 for so-called expenses!! I wonder how much he pays his support staff or does he expect them to work for nothing!
Fascist tories delighted at so many impoverished women and men dying as a direct result of their cruel and vindictive policies. Remember the fascist tories believe on their wealthy tory donors are worthy of anything whereas we peasants can all go away and die but only after they have exploited us to the max!!