If this is Boris Johnson’s excuse for refusing to quit, how can he be allowed to stay?

Boris Johnson tries to understand how this internet thing works: okay, this wasn’t how the Mumsnet interview was conducted but it conveys our pathetic prime minister’s failure to understand what was going on and that his silly lines wouldn’t work there.
Boris Johnson’s big excuse for refusing to resign in the wake of revelations of a corrupt party culture at 10 Downing Street while the rest of the UK was in Covid-19 lockdown is that it would be “irresponsible” to go in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis that he created and a foreign war that has little to do with him at all.
He said the Partygate revelations had been “a totally miserable experience” for people in government.
What? What’s miserable about partying regularly while everybody else in the country was forcibly separated – according to rules that Johnson himself made but unilaterally decided did not apply to him?
Questioned on Mumsnet, Johnson gave a very poor account of himself. He said,
“I think that on why am I still here, I’m still here because we’ve got huge pressures economically, we’ve got to get on, you know, we’ve got the biggest war in Europe for 80 years, and we’ve got a massive agenda to deliver which I was elected to deliver.
“I’ve thought about all these questions a lot, as you can imagine, and I just cannot see how actually it’d be responsible right now – given everything that is going on simply to abandon a) the project which I embarked on but b)…”
and that’s as far as he got before somebody cut him off.
He said he was “very, very surprised” and “taken aback” that he was fined for attending his surprise birthday party in the Cabinet room because it “felt like a work event” despite Sue Gray publishing photos of him swigging beer from a can at the time.
Let’s remember that the only kind of “work event” allowed at the time was a meeting to discuss business. None of the rules Johnson himself announced to the nation ever said parties involving the consumption of alcohol could take place at people’s place of work.
But then, perhaps we should not be surprised that Johnson tried to wheedle his way out of guilt for attending that party (and all the others for which he unaccountably was not fined) with a false interpretation of his rules.
After all, the very first question in the interview was: “Why should we believe anything you say when it’s been proven you’re a habitual liar?”
For goodness’ sake – this is a man who can’t even string a reasonable argument together to save his own skin.
For the good of us all, he has to be removed from the UK’s politics.
Does anyone have the guts to get that job done?
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Convict little fascist dictator duck johnson is like superglue – nothing will remove him from his position as fascist dictator!
Get the handkerchiefs out peasants because convict fascist little leader said this: ‘He said the Partygate revelations had been “a totally miserable experience” for people in government.’ Not one word about the 180,000+ women, children and men who died from the coronavirus and as a direct result of fascist duck johnson’s criminal actions! No it is all about the ‘greedy corrupt rotten boys who surround little fascist duck johnson and enjoyed their parties whilst we peasants suffered!’
Crocodile tears is nothing compared to the arrogance and rottenness of ‘little fascist convict duck johnson’s stance!