Is this the real reason Rishi Sunak wants to stop people taking some degree courses?

Rishi Sunak: is he trying to eliminate critical thinking so we won’t have the intellectual ability to understand when he and his fellow Tories are talking nonsense?
The BBC’s Any Questions and Any Answers discussed Rishi Sunak’s plan to stop people taking degree courses that don’t increase their “earning potential” – and may have revealed an ulterior motive behind it.
Sunak has said he would assess courses through drop-out rates, numbers in graduate jobs and salary thresholds – and current figures show that students with a degree in languages, linguistics, and classics have the least employable degrees.
But one caller to Any Answers made a hugely important point about the degrees Sunak wants to eradicate: they encourage critical thinking.
Vocational courses – that lead to careers in engineering, science and the like – are all about how to achieve particular results. To a large extent, students are spoon-fed the methodologies and don’t have to employ their critical faculties (although I will be happy to be proved wrong).
So here’s the question: why would a politician like Rishi Sunak want to stop members of the UK electorate from thinking critically?
Is it because they would then be able to examine the word salad he and his fellow Tories churn out every day and correctly identify it as nonsense gibberish?
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Not the first time this has happened.
Chiang Kai-Shek, imposed martial law (1949–1987) across Taiwan and amongst others, the Jing-Mei Detention Centre detained Artists, Writers and “Critical Thinkers” in General to prevent insurrection.and protest.
Given the recent stabbing of Salman Rushdie, not the best time to take steps in this direction for the UK (or at any time- ever).
I personally believe that the Tories/ERG think that this is their very last opportunity to go full dictatorship before being voted out in 2 years time and into obscurity.
Not rocket science that fascist tory Sunak doesn’t want any peasants to study cvertain subjects at degree level. Critical thinking has almost been eradicated from little england. Instead whatever the fascist tories say it is now accepted as the default truth!
I wasn’t taught critical thinking. I believe I acquired it by reading thousands of books over the years comparing the author’s views to my own and seeing if any arguments they made expanded my knowledge or guiding ideology my parents instilled in me.
I didn’t take any degree courses until I was medically disabled at 32 and wanted to see if my knowledge and experiences working in that field were relevant. For maybe a bit of fun to see if the old brain was capable even on morphine to take degree(s) courses. Thank god for the Open university!
I whould argue libraries are far more important for a population that desires critical to be instilled in our kids than any course(s) taught. 🤔
Yes, I understand these are under threat and that’s far more worrying in my mind than the loss of a few airy fairy courses that might expand a few minds. Far more likely to also contain traps that push the students to how the author of the course’s political views. Just look at all the private schools for this indoctrination and mind washing to believe the right wing diatribe.🤮
They used to say all collages were camps for lefties, but I whould judge the melts have taken over and desperately trying to turn out little clones of themselves…🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️