‘Incompetent balloon’ Thérèse Coffey broke law to give ‘leftover’ antibiotics to a friend

Therese Coffey: she’s incompetent, she acts illegally, and she is a threat to public health. Yet she is the UK’s Health Secretary under similarly-incompetent Liz Truss. She should resign – but you know she won’t.
There should be no such thing as “leftover antibiotics”. The rule – the law, in fact – is that anybody prescribed them must always finish the course.
Otherwise, resistance builds up and the drug loses its efficacy.
Sadly, new Health Secretary Therese Coffey has already built up a large amount of resistance – to common sense and the rule of law.
According to The Guardian,
Coffey told civil servants in a meeting last month that she had given leftover antibiotics to a poorly friend, an admission that came as the discussion on how to alleviate pressures on struggling GPs moved on to public behaviour around antibiotics.
Coffey’s comments provoked despair and disbelief among medical professionals who fear that members of the public might reach the false conclusion that it is safe and lawful to share unused medicines because the secretary of state had done so. One doctor accused Coffey of “monumental stupidity”.
Not just stupidity but incompetence – and illegality:
Shares prescription antibiotics she hasn't used because she's not read the instructions from her 'stash' – evidently because she's ignored advice repeatedly – not to mention broken the law in doing so. Therese Coffey the health secretary folks. #DamoRants #CoffeyOut pic.twitter.com/lMBaoRkGxt
— Damien Willey 🟢 🔴 (@KernowDamo) October 17, 2022
It’s true:
“Sharing prescribed medications, particularly antibiotics, is not only potentially dangerous, but also against the law, and we would ask our health secretary to instead support us in encouraging good and safe prescribing practices,” said another doctor, Richard Van Mellaerts at the BMA.
But Coffey has compounded her crime by suggesting that pharmacies prescribe antibiotics without patients first being examined by their GP. The proposals have sparked concerns that antibiotics may be handed out more freely, leading to more drug-resistant bugs, and ultimately threatening patient health.
So there you have it. Therese Coffey is a law-breaking threat to the health of the nation. Where is her resignation?
Source: Thérèse Coffey criticised for giving leftover antibiotics to a friend | Health | The Guardian
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Wasn’t aware it was actually against the law. Buffoon describes her well though
Must be sacked and prosecuted immediately.
A dangerous threat to us all.