’30p Lee’ Anderson becomes Tory deputy chair – and calls for return of death penalty

Buddies with BoJob: Lee Anderson (right), with a Conservative who has even more extreme views than his own. As Tory deputy chairman, he can’t now backstab Rishi Sunak. Is that the point of his appointment?
Oh dear. Rishi Sunak has given Lee Anderson a platform to put forward his loony ideas.
The new Tory deputy chairman has immediately put forward his opinion that the death penalty should be reinstated, claiming that nobody who was executed ever reoffended.
Some have pointed out that executing the current and former prime minister would then be in order. Others have pointed out that Anderson is calling for the state execution of innocent people, because no conviction is ever utterly certain.
Rishi Sunak immediately said Anderson’s views were not those of the government, slapping him down and creating a distraction from the real news at the same time.
Is this Anderson’s job now – to distract us from whatever’s really going on?
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Lee Anderson is a lying toerag who faked conversations with “voters” (friends and known supporters) for news coverage.