Mainstream media have discovered Sunak’s ‘Eat Out’ scheme spread Covid-19 – two years too late

Profiting from death: after he served up this little howler – and pushed up Covid-19 infections massively, Rishi Sunak became prime minister. Shouldn’t he be paying for the consequences of his actions?
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Congratulations to Metro* for discovering that Rishi Sunak’s ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ scheme of summer 2020 actually spread Covid-19 and may have caused thousands of deaths. Better late than never!
This site, and others on the social media, broke the story in December 2020.
This is the reason people should be reading Vox Political. They should be reading Another Angry Voice, Skwawkbox, The Canary and all the other independent news-related websites because that’s where they’re going to find out the things they need to know, at the time they need to know them.
And this is the reason you should be telling everybody you know.
Rishi Sunak may be responsible for killing off thousands of UK citizens – including your relatives, perhaps – and what’s his punishment? He’s now the prime minister. He’s already the richest man in the UK. Doesn’t he deserve to be in prison for dreaming up a scheme that killed many people?
He might have been, if enough attention had been drawn to what he had done at the right time.
But it wasn’t. The mainstream media ignored it – and that meant most people did too.
And now it has been (re)discovered via Matt Hancock’s leaked WhatsApp messages:
The Prime Minister is under pressure over his ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ scheme during the pandemic with claims of a ‘cover up’ and that it spread Covid.
Leaked messages show … concern from then Health Secretary Matt Hancock about how Eat Out to Help Out was spreading the virus.
Mr Hancock told [then-Cabinet Secrtary Simon] Case that the scheme was driving up Covid cases in some of the worst hit areas and that the problems it was causing were ‘serious’.
But he added that he had ‘kept it out of the news’, according to the Telegraph.
Those WhatsApp messages were sent in August 2020. I published my story in December that year, as follows:
Tory Chancellor Rishi Sunak made certain that thousands more people caught Covid-19 than would otherwise have done so, with his Eat Out to Help Out scheme.
Research by the University of Warwick has shown that the initiative is likely to blame for 17 per cent of infections – one in six outbreaks – between August and early September (when it was overtaken by outbreaks linked to schools that had reopened at Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab’s insistence, we may conclude).
People will have died from catching the virus after taking part in Sunak’s crackpot plan.
But nobody has been asking him any hard questions!
Isn’t it time these Tories took responsibility for the fatal consequences of their decisions and left public life for good, under a cloud of shame?
Note that I quoted the Daily Mail, which seems to have done as little as possible about the story.
Obviously, nobody involved has left public life for good under a cloud of shame.
They’re all still here, rubbing our noses in their ability to get away with – if not murder, then possibly mass manslaughter.
*In this instance – I’m sure other mainstream media outlets are also covering this story now, at long last.
Source: Rishi Sunak’s Eat Out to Help Out ‘spread Covid but was covered up’ | Metro News
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At the time I thought it was another deliberate attempt to spread the virus. To everyday people like me it was obvious that is what it would do.
What took malestream media so long to ‘discover’ Sunak’s Eat Out scheme ensured coronavirus spread to innumerable individuals? Oh yes because malestream media is an ally of the fascist tories and they didn’t want their ‘little darlings’ to be tainted with allegations of corporate manslaughter!
No worries Sunak is now another fake prime minister and he and his fascist tory cronies will never ever be held responsible for their arrogance and deliberate disregard for us plebs’ safety and health! No as long as the fascist tories are increasing their wealth and power over us everything is fine!
I know you’re using “malestream” as a substitute for “mainstream”, but the subtext is that it’s male-dominated media – so perhaps I should remind you that I’m male and knew about Eat Out to Die Out back in December 2020. It’s not an accurate description of what was going on, in my opinion. It’s really the media that are dominated by right-wing moguls (who are, in fairness, all men) that hid this away.
I’m just not comfortable with being linked to these odious corporates by my gender.
It is just a pity that these criminally incompetent MPs were not arrested, charged with social murder, convicted and thrown in prison! Why are these MPs continually getting away with their crimes against the British people?
“Eat out to Die out!” What an evil scheme and how evil to cover it up!
The Lords of Misrule!