Gary Lineker was right; Tory rhetoric is EXACTLY like that of 1930s Germany

Last Updated: March 11, 2023By Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Watch this brilliance from Jonathan Pie:

“Nazi Germany rhetoric demeaned, otherised and dehumanised people, made them the enemy and the scapegoat of all its woes, and attacked anybody who said differently as enemies of the people.”

That’s just what Suella Braverman has been doing, of course.

And neither she nor any other Tory is telling you that asylum applications – including those from the “small boat” Channel migrants – are about half what they were 20 years ago, yet the number of asylum applications processed within six months has fallen from around 90 per cent to just four per cent, under Tory administration.

It’s typical Tory cack-handedness; they created the problem and their answer to it is a three-word slogan. It’s Covid-19 all over again.

And Pie’s explosion at Braverman daring to lecture us about British values is well worth the four minutes of your time it takes to watch this, on its own.

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  1. Stu March 12, 2023 at 10:49 am - Reply

    I’m glad you’re keeping the whole issue within context.
    For their own agenda, MSM and the Government representatives have deliberately skewed the fact that Gary was eloquently talking about the LANGUAGE used and not that they were doing the same as Hitler did.
    The only reason that they don’t try the antisemitism angle (but have come close) is because Israel have “exported” their own immigrants.

  2. Hecuba March 12, 2023 at 11:19 am - Reply

    Bravo Jonathan Pie for succinctly saying it as it is! Not in my name fascist tories – you crooked cruel and vile fascist tories do not represent me or any of my friends and relatives! We don’t hate refugees but we certainly hate and despise the fascist crooked tories who claim to ‘govern in our name!’

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