Environment Secretary Therese Coffey lives on Sh*t Creek. Poetic justice?

Therese Coffey (right): was this shot taken after she had a snifter of water from the creek outside her house? Let’s hope not…
Activists have renamed a river on Environment Secretary Therese Coffey’s doorstep “Sh*t Creek” after it was found to be riddled with e.coli.
She lives on Martlesham Creek, which feeds Suffolk’s River Deben, and which contains 50mg of e.coli per litre of water – five times the Government safe swimming level of 10mg.
In dangerously high volumes, the bug can cause an infection linked to kidney failure and prove fatal.
There’s more:
It has also emerged the Environment Agency found 894.13 nanograms of cancer-causing PFA chemicals per litre in a spring near Mrs Coffey’s Suffolk home.
Anything over 100ng per litre needs immediate action, according to the government’s Drinking Water Inspectorate.
Coffey has been accused of failing to stop the dumping of sewage into waterways, which happened 300,000 times last year.
So activists have put up a plaque stating: “Therese Coffey MP – voted to block a law requiring water companies to dump less raw sewage in our waterways and seas.”
So it seems the poem Pam Ayres wrote to commemorate the Tory government’s decision to allow the dumping of untreated sewage into rivers is entirely appropriate:
Now all the life is dying
And turning up its feet
Along the Sh*tcreek River
Where vapours ain’t so sweet
Where water ain’t so crystal clear
Where sewage oozes down
Along the Sh*tcreek River
As the banks turn brown!
In fairness:
Anglian Water is apparently working to assess water quality in the area and has pledged to make sure its operations are not responsible for poor river health.
It is working with swimming groups to support plans for inland bathing.
Well, let’s hope those plans come to fruition after the brook is cleaned up.
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Therese Coffey isn’t concerned because doubtless she has bottled water delivered to her home every day and then claims this on MPs’ expenses! Anglian Water utters the usual pathetic nonsense because in reality they won’t clean up the sewage since their shareholders don’t live by this river!
Very soon cholera and typhoid will be rife in little england and the fascist tories will blame us peasants for not engaging in healthcare!