Tory civil war? Suella Braverman wanted to claim speeding ticket on expenses, claims William Wragg

Suella Braverman: all things considered, let’s hope she was just a passenger when this pic was taken.
Would this really be the first time a Conservative MP has tried to make you pay the fine after they committed a crime? I doubt it.
What makes this interesting is the fact that Suella Braverman is the Home Secretary – the minister for law and order – and has been Attorney General before that. She wouldn’t want any other criminal to avoid the consequences of their crime, so why should she get to do it?
And of course it’s another Tory who dobbed her in.:
Senior Tory MP William Wragg made the extraordinary claim about Home Secretary Suella Braverman in a series of tweets in the early hours of Saturday morning.
Alongside a picture of the Winston Churchill statue and Houses of Parliament, at almost 2am, he wrote: “This evening, having kept quiet for a while, I was struck by the lamentable hopelessness of the Home Secretary, remembering particularly her first week or so as a Member of Parliament.”
He went on: “My clearest recollection of our Home Secretary’s legal acumen came from day one as an MP. We had a presentation from [expenses watchdog] IPSA.
“Her question to IPSA concerned whether a speeding ticket incurred during the course of parliamentary duties could be claimed on expenses.
“Rather embarrassed, the representatives from IPSA said no.”
Mr Wragg added: “Thank goodness our Nation has been blessed with such a fine Attorney General and Home Secretary. Carry On!”
This Writer can only agree with the implied criticism.
Perhaps the penalty for crimes of any kind should be re-defined for serving members of Parliament.
In the Home Secretary’s case, knowing her particular… enthusiasms… may I suggest that her speeding tickets be commuted into deportation to Rwanda?
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Real name? Lauren Odour.