Did the National Conservatives stop to consider the connotation of their chosen name?

Nat C: this Hitlerian image fits well with the way the abbreviation for Jacob Rees-Mogg’s National Conservatism idea sounds.
It’s times like these that make you realise some Tories don’t have two brain cells to rub together.
It seems David Frost and Jacob Rees-Mogg have come up with a new kind of Conservatism:
According to the article, Nat C-ism is about the following:
A belief in the nation state and the principle of national independence… confidence that the self-governing, democratic nation is the best way that peoples have found to manage their affairs, preserve their traditions and culture, settle their differences, trade and prosper. That belief in the self-governing nation state was the driving force behind the Brexit vote: as polling shows, the main motivation for many Leave voters was for decisions about Britain to be taken in Britain.
So: Brexiteerism.
a restoration of economic freedom, freedom of speech and anti-woke policies rooted in common sense and in the historic public culture of this country. Underlying this is a belief that the state cannot do everything, but must do properly what it does do: end mass migration so that all may integrate into our nation; maintain law, order and justice; support those who need help, not those who don’t; protect our institutions; and build effective armed forces in a dangerous world.
“Woke” means “alert to injustice and discrimination in society, especially racism” – so “anti-woke” implies ignoring injustice, discrimination and racism. The ideas about the state suggest totalitarian control over what people may or may not do, while choosing who to privilege and who to prejudice against, along with militarisation.
So when people like Sue Jones (below) say…
Wonder if the National Conservatives have thought about the revulsion their chosen name conjures up, or the associations people will make with both the name and their mission. The Nat Cs
— Revolution Breeze (@SueJonesSays) April 25, 2023
… I’m inclined to agree with them. Nat C? Why not go the whole hog and call them what they seem to be. It sounds exactly the same when spoken.
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Fascism is what these men are promoting and this is fascist – ‘Underlying this is a belief that the state cannot do everything, but must do properly what it does do: end mass migration so that all may integrate into our nation; maintain law, order and justice; support those who need help, not those who don’t; protect our institutions; and build effective armed forces in a dangerous world.’
A totalitarian fascist state is Frost’s and Rees-Mogg’s dream and a very dangerous one too wherein we peasants will be controlled by an elite group of wealthy white men!