Anti-Monarchists should quit UK says Leeanderthal, after police target potential rape victims

Despicable: as the person who posted this image stated: “This will be the photo that goes around the world today. A peaceful protester handcuffed and arrested in Britain.”
Where would he send them – Rwanda?
Not happy with the arrests of 52 peaceful protesters, Tory deputy chairman Lee Anderson thinks they should leave the UK of their own accord, presumably so forelock-tugging, kowtowing toadies like him can carry on bullying the rest of us with impunity.
He tweeted: “Not My King? If you do not wish to live in a country that has a monarchy the solution is not to turn up with your silly boards. The solution is to emigrate.”
Anderson’s complaint – essentially that anti-monarchists hate the UK and should therefore leave – is largely nonsense. Anti-monarchists mostly don’t even hate the members of the Royal Family (although there are one or two notable exceptions…).
onto the coat tails of the Monarchy. Now that the Coronation's over and protests that could have brought the country into disrepute, are they going to repeal the public order act (thought not) or is there something more sinister going on? Add it to the Snoopers Charter, dangerous
— Gary Bowman. Against Uniparty Politics (@GaryOpinionated) May 7, 2023
Meanwhile, of course, we’re learning more about the behaviour of the police – who worked hard to protect the new King from people brandishing magazine covers, wearing t-shirts and holding placards…
… and, in the middle of the night before the coronation, the Metropolitan Police protected the King from a group of people who hand out rape alarms to women walking in Soho in the dark:
The Met arrested members of the City of Westminster’s Night Safety team. They are volunteers. They were pulled last night at 2am and have been held for 14 hours. One of them came out of the station in tears. Police didn’t apologise.
— Mic Wright (@brokenbottleboy) May 6, 2023
A third member of the Night Safety Team is here. He has marks on his arms from being roughly arrested by the TSG. He wasn’t processed until 5am and was kept in cuffs for all that time. Riz Choudhry says: “Pure police brutality and racial discrimination.”
— Mic Wright (@brokenbottleboy) May 6, 2023
Here’s Riz is in his own words:
— Mic Wright (@brokenbottleboy) May 6, 2023
The police responded to the outcry the following day – but it is very easy to condemn the spokesperson’s words as nonsense:
Not a good look when you change your story.
I see Westminster Council is also concerned about you arresting these people.
— John West 🕯💙🇺🇦 🗿 (@JohnWest_JAWS) May 6, 2023
It’s not believable, really, is it? The police heard that people being handed rape alarms were going to disrupt the Coronation procession at two o’clock in the morning when it wasn’t even happening, and this would scare their horses that weren’t even there?
There’s no point in checking whether any such intelligence really was received, of course. The Metropolitan Police Service has lost public trust to such a degree that nobody would believe the reality of any documentation it produces.
𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐭.
"It is now an Arrestable Offence to hold up the cover of Private Eye" [twitter]— Oliver ✊🌏🔥 #ClimateAction #EcoSocialist (@tynewrc) May 7, 2023
This is Ben.
Ben is 21 years old & has been arrested this morning, presumably for having "Not My King" on a placard & wearing a t-shirt with that same slogan on his shirt.
He is a member of
Thank you @metpoliceuk for increasing their membership today.
— Farbod (@EmergencyBod) May 6, 2023
This Site reported yesterday that Republic’s chief executive, Graham Smith, was arrested before the coronation events began. He has since been released, and had this to say:
I’m now out of the police station. Still waiting for my colleagues.
Make no mistake. There is no longer a right to peaceful protest in the UK.
I have been told many times the monarch is there to defend our freedoms. Now our freedoms are under attack in his name.
— Graham Smith 🇺🇦 🏳️🌈 (@GrahamSmith_) May 6, 2023
According to the BBC,
Scotland Yard said those arrested had been held on suspicion of affray, public order offences, breach of the peace and conspiracy to cause a public nuisance around the Coronation.
No doubt many Monarchists have applauded what they consider to be proportionate police action against dangerous subversives. But here’s an inconvenient truth:
People who are cheering for this to happen, for democracy and free speech to be curtailed because you disagree with what they're saying… you need to understand that one day these same powers WILL be used against something YOU agree with.
So what then?
— Farbod (@EmergencyBod) May 6, 2023
The fear of this is already being instilled – in young people.
Awful conversation last night with one of my kids who is worried about climate change and, after a friend was arrested, is now worrying about whether they can protest against it. I feel devastated at having to explain that this is the country we now live in.
— Jo Maugham (@JolyonMaugham) May 7, 2023
My eldest also told me how they had to explain to my youngest, who also wants to protest against climate change, that they must *never* rise to the deliberate provocation they sometimes encounter from the Metropolitan police.
Why are my kids having to have this conversation?
— Jo Maugham (@JolyonMaugham) May 7, 2023
And nor can one feel confident judges will perform the function given to them by the Human Rights Act to protect protest rights.
Experienced protest lawyers talk of how many criminal judges, like public law judges, behave in a way consistent with fearing the Government.
— Jo Maugham (@JolyonMaugham) May 7, 2023
Slowly, slowly we in the UK are encountering an emerging authoritarian-driven rule of law crisis that is every bit as serious as Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Israel.
But ours, arguably, is more dangerous because structural features of our constitution means it can happen unnoticed.— Jo Maugham (@JolyonMaugham) May 7, 2023
The implication is clear: our youngsters are being told that they are not important; their views do not count and if they try to express those views in any way they will be arrested and punished for a criminal offence.
They’re being told to accept their lot as drones working for the elites in Parliament and big business; that they must keep their heads down and do as they’re told.
And if they don’t like it, they can (try to) move to another country.
Would you accept that from your government, your monarchy, your police?
There is a ray of hope; some MPs take an alternative view to that of the Leeanderthal and are demanding an explanation of what happened:
Parliament returns on Tuesday. There must be a statement from the Home Secretary on the policing of the demonstration on Saturday & a full report from Metropolitan Police Commissioner. It’s become increasingly clear that despite assurances the right to protest was not protected.
— John McDonnell MP (@johnmcdonnellMP) May 7, 2023
Hopefully this will stimulate a debate.
But under Rishi Sunak’s fetid, corrupt government, do any of you seriously believe any statement we get will be worth the time we’ll have to waste listening to it?
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Good to see the latest fascist laws are working so well for the tory dictators! The puppet fascist met police have successfully sent a threatening message to anyone who is even thinking of engaging in any public protest! Do so at risk of being arrested, held in a police cell for hours and hours and then told ‘no charges against you this time!’
Intimidation and fear are the weapons of fascist tory dictators and it works so well. Don’t expect excuses from the puppet Home Secretary or her fellow puppets the Met police because ‘right to protest is now a serious crime!’
Perhaps Jolyon Maugham shouldn’t have been so eager to bad mouth/slander Corbyn…
I agree with you. He has also badmouthed me, as it happens. But I’m pragmatic enough to use good material, no matter what its origin may be.
The whole tory criminal Cartel should be rounded up and sent to Rwanda! They have all but destroyed Britain, and made us a laughing stock on the world stage.