Who’d look worse in coalition – Keir Starmer or the Liberal Democrats?

“It’s all hypothetical”: but Keir Starmer and Ed Davey aren’t ruling out a coalition. But if their political positions are now compatible, how badly will the public suffer?
Keir Starmer has refused to rule out a coalition with the Liberal Democrats if his right-wing Labour Party can’t win an election on its own.
Who would look worse, in the eyes of the public, if that happened?
The Liberal Democrats, who lost dozens of Parliamentary seats after they went into coalition with the Conservatives for five years (2010-15)?
Or Starmer and his Labour Party, which would be admitting that it has drifted so far to the political right that it doesn’t deserve the attention, let alone the support, of traditional Labour supporters?
It’s Starmer, isn’t it?
Ironically, a coalition with the Lib Dems might make Labour more acceptable to the general public, considering the terrible policies it has adopted.
The BBC article about it is revealing about both Starmer and Ed Davey of the Lib Dems:
It all adds up to what looks like symmetrical flirting from Labour and the Liberal Democrats.
They each answer the question in exactly the same way, despite being able to be categoric about equally hypothetical situations of deals with the Conservatives and the SNP respectively.
Expect to see Tory MPs and ministers talk up what they see as the dangers of a hung parliament, with Labour reliant on other parties for support.
Good. Let the three Establishment parties mutter among themselves as though Westminster is their own little closed shop.
Meanwhile, the Greens, and former Labour representatives now standing as Independents, can actually talk with the voting public.
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It would be an excellent outcome.
Both Starmer’s racist, fake labour, tory party and the Lib dems are a total waste of time…Neitherparty are worth voting for..