This MP wanted special treatment on private health donations map – but won’t get it

Stella Creasy in Parliament: if she’s working for a private health insurance firm outside its walls, what is she saying within them?
Campaigning group Every Doctor has rejected a demand by Labour’s Stella Creasy to remove her from an interactive map listing every MP who has received a donation from companies involved in the private takeover of the UK’s National Health Service.
Creasy thought that she should not be included because she donated a payment from insurance firm Aviva to charity.
But after consulting its lawyer, Every Doctor pointed out that the concern is not where the money goes, but how it was obtained.
Here’s the full explanation:
We have responded to the situation urgently; any suggestion of inaccuracy is taken extremely seriously by our team. We have reviewed Stella Creasy's query. She feels that because she gave the money to charity, her entry should be removed from the map.
Our …
— EveryDoctor (@EveryDoctorUK) May 29, 2023
…A transaction took place between an organisation associated with the private healthcare sector (Aviva) and Stella Creasy. The fact that she chose to give this money to charity is immaterial, in our view.
What we are interested in is the receipt of financial benefits, or…
— EveryDoctor (@EveryDoctorUK) May 29, 2023
…a field trip which can further a cause the politician supports.
Any of these things enable politicians to do something beneficial to them (or to build relationships or their public image) as a result of taking money from the private healthcare industry.
Stella Creasy is…
— EveryDoctor (@EveryDoctorUK) May 29, 2023
…all his earnings totalling in excess of £55000 to charity.
It is @EveryDoctorUK's position that it is the source (not the destination) of the funding or benefit that matters.
We oppose all links between MPs and the private healthcare sector.
— EveryDoctor (@EveryDoctorUK) May 29, 2023
We (the public) didn’t know from the Register of Members’ Interests which charity benefited, and we don’t know what Creasy said during the panel appearance for which Aviva paid her; we must presume she was putting forward a view held by that firm, otherwise it would not have employed her.
The inclusion of Aviva on the map has been questioned because it insures other things besides health – but Every Doctor has answered that concern:
They had £100 million + turnover in Q1 2023 from private healthcare. An increase of 11%. They’re very happy with themselves 👉🏻👉🏻
— EveryDoctor (@EveryDoctorUK) May 29, 2023
(This should worry anybody who supports the NHS because it indicates that the Tory policy of turning people away from the NHS to seek private healthcare – supported by insurance – is working.)
Critics have also claimed that receiving payment from a health (among other things) insurance firm is okay because it was donated to a charity shelter for homeless people – that Aviva already supports.
From This Writer’s point of view, it is unacceptable that Creasy provided a service for Aviva and took money for it, no matter where it went.
By handing the cash to a homeless shelter, she get kudos for being a humanitarian. But the shelter is funded by the company that paid her in any event, so it seems possible that she was advised (directed?) to send it there – and that would be a questionable act.
But the fundamental issue is that she provided work for a private healthcare firm when her only concern should be working in the interests of the people of the UK.
We don’t know what she said on this panel for which she was hired by Aviva. We may assume that, as Aviva paid her, she was there to represent that company’s interests – but because she is an MP, attendees may have been misled into thinking she was putting forward Labour Party policy.
And we don’t know how working for Aviva will affect the way she’ll vote on health issues in Parliament. Did the payment depend on her support for private health involvement in the NHS in the future? We don’t know.
I think it would be advisable to watch her future behaviour in Parliamentary votes very carefully – and for that to happen, we need to know why it is important to do so.
Therefore I support Every Doctor’s decision. Creasy should remain on the map and the fact that she received this money in this way should be visible to everybody.
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