Six years later, the Tories have quietly forgotten Grenfell Tower

Last Updated: June 14, 2023By Tags: , ,

Grenfell Tower, June 2017: if you live in a tower block that has flammable cladding and no fire alarm or sprinkler system, this could happen to you.

Thousands of people are still in deadly danger of dying the same death as the 72 who lost their lives in Grenfell Tower six years ago today (June 14), because nothing has been done to compel tower block landlords to impose higher safety standards.

Look at this:

How many tower blocks still have flammable cladding all the way up their exterior walls?

Does anybody remember the tower block fire that happened shortly after Grenfell Tower – again with flammable cladding catching fire? One would have expected that to be a wake-up call for the dullards in Parliament to take action – but has anything changed?

This Site was the first to mention the political aspect of the Grenfell tragedy, early in the morning after it happened. My reward for raising the issue, as far as I can tell, was that an organisation claiming to rate the accuracy of news-related sites downgraded Vox Political because I did not amend all my articles about Grenfell to include the final death toll – including those that were written before it was known. No other news organisation would have had to do this and I can only conclude that it was a politically-motivated attack.

So, while some of us commemorate the tragedy of Grenfell Tower…

… This Writer doubts that safety in other tower blocks will ever be improved.

After all, isn’t it cheaper to try to silence those who make a fuss about it?

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One Comment

  1. Hecuba June 14, 2023 at 11:21 am - Reply

    Fascist tories have no intention whatsoever of forcing tower block landlords to impose higher safety standards.or even local councils! Remember all those tenants living in these dangerous fire hazardous tower blocks are expendible! They aren’t white wealthy men because they don’t have wealth or political power!

    Why bother to force landlords to pay out extortionate (sic) amounts of money just to protect non-human tenants! Fascist tories only care about increasing their wealth because a government’s sole aim is to ensure their wealthy citizens become even more wealthy!

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