The news in tweets: Thursday, July 20, 2023

The puppets: in fact, with today’s information, this image needs to be updated to show a Saudi politician or a private health boss with his hand up Blair.
Labour sinks its candidates’ chances in today’s three by-elections
The UK’s main parties seem to have given their candidates in the three by-elections taking place today (Thursday, July 20, 2023) a shot… in the foot. An entire volley, in the case of the STP (Substitute Tory Party – formerly Labour). In fact, metaphorically-speaking, it would probably be accurate to say that those candidates no longer have any legs to stand on.
Here’s former party leader candidate Liz Kendall showing why members made the right choice by avoiding her like a nasty disease. In defending her leader’s decision to condemn 55 per cent of families with three children and a massive 80 per cent of those with four to poverty, she resorted to the “fiscal responsibility” argument that simply doesn’t ring true:
The simple fact is that fiscal rules may sound good to the public but all they really do is straitjacket political parties into courses that can harm us all in the long term. There’s no need for them.
Nor is there any justification in saying that (Labour) can’t make promises about where the money for a change will be sourced. The simple fact is that the Conservatives have spent 13 years cutting taxes for the richest people in the UK. The opposition party should be looking at the amount of money these policies have denied to the treasury and making its plans accordingly. Instead, the plan is to leave these tax breaks in place – boosting the rich still further while punishing the poor yet again.
The claim that parents should get better jobs is risible. Even if such employment was available in an economy where pay has been pushed through the floor, how are parents supposed to take them when the massive cost of childcare ties them to their home, looking after their children?
(And please, let’s not engage in the tired old argument that people should not have had more than two children in the first place: you don’t know the circumstances behind those situations, and in any case the UK’s economy requires a larger indigenous population, now that so many workers from abroad have been scared away.)
Elsewhere, Tony Blair has demanded that a future ‘Labour’ government should inflict austerity on the UK:
So, Tiny Blair says what his mate Keir Starmer won’t, which is that austerity is now Labour’s true agenda – even if it sinks our public services, the welfare state and the economy whilst failing to meet public demand. We’re all going to be doomed by this stupidity.
— Richard Murphy (@RichardJMurphy) July 20, 2023
"Providing you're not forcing people to pay for basic healthcare, I don't think it matters that you have a partnership between public & private sector"
Basic healthcare free at the point of use. Anything else, you've got to pay. Not a problem for the vastly wealthy, of course.
— Saul Staniforth (@SaulStaniforth) July 20, 2023
We know from the nauseating spectacle of Blair discussing policy with Keir Stürmer in public that the opposition party leader is a Blairite and wants to follow the desires of his ideological leader as much as possible.
Blair is saying he wants austerity, and he wants increased privatisation in the NHS. Only “basic” healthcare should be free at the point of use, he said. Other services would cost money. These are not Labour Party policies, of course – and nobody claiming to represent Labour who supports them, and/or the leaders who spout them, should be allowed into Parliament.
What we’re looking at is “policy capture” – and the organisation behind Tony Blair should be avoided at all costs because it is owned by foreign governments, it seems:
Yesterday we saw, in real time, policy capture of the likely next government & PM by a shadowy organisation with 850 staff which has received millions from overseas. It’s called the Tony Blair Institute @InstituteGC.
Nobody in the media seems to think this is an issue.
— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) July 19, 2023
So candidates in today’s by-elections – by the words of leading party members – are not going to help working and working-class people but may well be following the demands of foreign governments instead, with plans including making us pay for anything more than “basic” healthcare.
Would you vote for that?
Grant Shapps shows why Tories should not be allowed near power
While leading members of the STP (Substitute Tory Party – formerly Labour) have been hobbling their by-election candidates, Grant Shapps has been doing the same for the real Tory Party’s credibility.
He has written to Keir Stürmer, demanding that the STP pay for damage caused by Just Stop Oil protests, on the grounds that the STP is the political wing of Just Stop Oil:
I’ve written to @Keir_Starmer to request he pays for the criminal damage the Just Stop Oil attacks on the Energy Security Department caused this morning
As the political wing of Just Stop Oil, it is the Labour Party not the taxpayer that should be paying the bill
— Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP (@grantshapps) July 19, 2023
This is boneheaded stupidity. In doing so, Shapps is publicly acknowledging that any politician or political organisation that takes money from a donor will do what that donor demands in the future.
If Stürmer’s STP had said that, we could point to the donations its members receive from Trevor Chinn and say this is an admission that that party is now a sockpuppet of the so-called Israel Lobby (amongst others).
But because a Conservative has said it, we can rifle through all the donations that party and its MPs receive instead. Obviously Shapps is admitting that the Tories are all in thrall to private health firms (for example), and that’s why the NHS is being increasingly privatised.
He has opened the door for us to tell the world that the Conservative Party – and more importantly the Conservative government – does not work for the people of the United Kingdom, despite taking huge amounts of our cash.
Instead, it works for those shadowy donors, despite all the claims over the years that it did not, which we are now free to conclude are lies.
And that means any Tories elected in today’s (Thursday, July 20, 2023) by-elections will do the same and should therefore be blocked from ever entering Parliament.
Nice one, Shapps!
Rishi Sunak blames striking junior doctors for his own government’s health service blunders
Here’s another Tory failure that should cut into that party’s vote in today’s by-elections: Rishi Sunak’s attempts to blame striking junior doctors for weaknesses in the National Health Service.
I’ll let Peter Stefanovic explain:
The Prime Minister blaming Junior doctors for hospital waiting lists is one of the most despicable things he’s said
& for the record he’s offered them a crappy real terms pay cut
If like me you stand with the junior doctors who sacrificed so much to keep us safe RT this widely
— Peter Stefanovic (@PeterStefanovi2) July 19, 2023
A couple of points that should be emphasised:
As a result of Tory pay cuts since 2010, you are £11,000 a year worse-off than you would otherwise have been, and Sunak wants you to take further pay cuts (not just just junior doctors). Meanwhile, average pay for MPs, once their multiple other jobs are taking into account, is more than £200 per hour.
The “Independent” Pay Review Body is nothing of the sort. Its members are all employed by the government and are told how much money the government is willing to pay public sector workers before making any decisions. Those decisions are then made to fit in with what the government tells them to do, rather than with what public sector employees need.
Daily Express fails at basic maths. Just because inflation has fallen, that doesn’t mean prices are dropping
Carol Vorderman explains basic mathematics to the writers of a national newspaper.
It seems the Daily Express and its employees don’t understand that a fall in the rate of inflation does not mean that prices have dropped – despite the fact that it has been drilled into all of us over many months that such a fall really means the rate at which prices increase is slowing down.
So the following headline betrays a lack of economic credibility:
Tory Daily Express failing primary school maths test this morning!
Inflation has fallen to 7.9% which means that 'prices' have gone UP.
They continue to go UP just slightly less quickly.
Food inflation is 14.9%
Maybe my online maths lessons could help?— Carol Vorderman (@carolvorders) July 20, 2023
Still… when the price cuts demanded by the paper don’t happen, perhaps we can all enjoy a public backlash against the Tories.
That’ll be fun to watch.
Tory government paid almost as much for each ‘migrant barge’ as it costs to hire the most luxurious cabin cruise ships
This is self-explanatory:
Are you ready for this?
Our Govt paid £2.6bn for 5 migrant ships over 2 years
And yet…
The general cost to charter the most luxurious Royal Caribbean cruise ship for 2 years
Inc fuel, food, staff, etc
For 5614 people (double our migrant boats’ capacity)
Is $832m
Or £643m.
— Marina Purkiss (@MarinaPurkiss) July 20, 2023
This Writer understands that we still don’t know who won the contract to provide these barges, that have been modified to accommodate 500 people rather than 240, meaning less space is available for each of them.
And we don’t know whether there was a proper tendering process, with multiple interested parties invited to bid for the contract, or if it was just handed over to a Tory crony via the illegal “VIP lane” or any successor route.
It’s another point for voters in today’s three by-elections to consider.
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Time people sat up and listened to what is going on .
We will lose our beloved NHS if Kier starmer gets in or The wicked Tories . Voting for Labour we may as well vote conservative because he will make matters worse than they are at present listening to Blair on peston last night gave me another insight into kier .as we all know Kier wants to be like Blair he really looks up to him WHY ?. Blair was being investigated because of a war he decided to get our country involved in.( not going into that because admittedly I wasn’t taking much notice then I was young I voted Labour from the day I turned 18 not really taking any notice of what I was voting for my parents voted Labour so I did. I sit up and listen now especially since the Tories came into power and David Cameron decided to cut the money that funded our NHS blaming austerity for it . Now look at the mess they have caused by underfunding it . And kier starmer will carry on underfunding it. Labour did start to privatise the NHS think think? It was under Blair government Anyway my worry is that Kier starmer will try to privatise it as Blair wants Why on earth as he joined the Labour Party WHY didn’t he join the Conservative party because he wants to do exactly the same he will not change anything for the better The Rich will still get Richer because he said he wouldn’t change Tax system so the Rich will still pay less tax that again I read about him . It’s our NHS I really fear losing the most it’s precious to precious to lose The fear is people will start to die because they can’t afford to pay it won’t be a toss up of do I pay the rent or mortgage or do we eat I dread to think about it
Interest rates on mortgages are higher than Liz Kendall’s share of the vote in the Labour leadership election of 2015 (4.5%).