The Tory government is helping energy firms rip us off – and you’re STILL not interested in politics?

Bills, bills, bills: British Gas has made nearly £1bn in profits in the last six months because it is price-gouging its customers – charging them much more than they should be paying. Many of those customers are so stupid, they can’t be bothered to do anything about it.
The most eye-watering part of the energy firms’ announcement of eye-watering profits is the fact that so many people in the UK are so keen to say they are powerless to do anything about it.
Tell them that they’re being ripped off because of political decisions by their government and these absolute morons say that, well, they’re not interested in politics because it has nothing to do with them.
They’ve literally just been told that politics is what’s leeching away their ability to feed, clothe and house themselves and their response is that it’s nothing to do with them!
Perhaps it’s time to admit that people like the Tories and the energy firm bosses, who make the decisions to take all the cash away from us, are not the problem.
The problem is the people who prop them up – either by voting for the Tories like mindless drones or by refusing to vote for anyone who will make a difference.
That includes all the “tactical” idiots who would rather replace the Conservatives with a party that has identical policies because “we’ve got to get the Tories out” than even consider supporting anybody with a plan that will actually, you know, help.
It also includes everybody who insists that we should support Keir Starmer’s party, which has surely become the most untrustworthy organisation in the UK. It is currently promising to levy a windfall tax on energy firms’ profits, but the evidence of the recent past tells us that this will not happen if that party – which used to represent Labour – takes office again under its current leadership.
So we get this:
British Gas has just posted an 888% increase in profits for 2023 compared to the first 6 months of 2022.
An 888% increase.
Morning, all.
— Tory Fibs (@ToryFibs) July 27, 2023
Here’s that increase in money terms:
British Gas has just announced profits of £969,000,000
That's up TEN-FOLD on last year.
They're lining their pockets while you pay higher bills.
As the world burns and energy bills soar, we need an energy system under public ownership, run for people and planet – not profit.
— Richard Burgon MP (@RichardBurgon) July 27, 2023
Sadly, we won’t get what we need under the party that Richard Burgon represents – the Substitute Tory Party that used to be called Labour.
Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has the same idea – because it is the right one:
It would take the average UK worker more than 32,000 years to make what British Gas just made in 6 months.
This is a cost-of-greed crisis — and millions of people are paying the price.
There is an alternative: bring energy into democratic public ownership!
— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) July 27, 2023
But of course he has been kicked out of the Parliamentary Labour Party for having ideas that are far too sensible to ever be considered by Starmer and his Blue Labour layabouts.
The only answer that will break the deadlock is to support alternative parties and independent candidates who actually have policies that will bring wealth back to the majority of the people, rather than siphon it off into the hands of people who already have too much.
Ah, but then we run into all those idiots who think Starmer’s identikit Tory policies are an alternative, the morons who reckon tactical voting in favour of whichever party came second last time will get the Tories out next time, and the lunatics who will still believe none of this affects them while their house is being repossessed.
These are the reason the UK is in such a hopeless position. What are you doing about it?
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Blaming the victims of a system designed to disempower the majority does nothing to solve the problem.
People say they feel powerless because they see through the Lue of the emperor’s new clothes.
A democracy in which you can elect your shade of Tory is no democracy at all.
Red Tory, Yellow Tory, Blue Tory?
At best the ballot box holds out the sliver of hope one will hurt you a little less.
What happens when someone tries to put a different offer on the table?
There is no representation of the interests of the majority nor any diversity of political offer through concerted effort to ensure its so.
If people are disillusioned with our sham democracy, it is a natural consequence of a system designed to disenfranchise and control.