Water latest: no-swim warnings and pollution hazards proliferate

Poison: people are falling ill from ingesting water polluted with raw sewage, after the Tory government allowed privatised firms to dump sewage into our rivers, untreated. Why are the Tories allowing it to go on, now the hazards are clear? Is there a financial incentive for them? What is it?
Following up on the announcement that 57 swimmers were ill after swimming in waters polluted with 39 times the normal amount of e.coli bacteria, here are a couple more news articles indicating the growing scale of the problem.
"Hunstanton mayor says no-swim warning is 'scaremongering'."
I take it Cllr Ruston won't be standing for re-election then?https://t.co/Ks0H54UOhm
— Feargal Sharkey (@Feargal_Sharkey) August 8, 2023
"Surf school forced to cancel lessons as sewage pumped into sea."
Now what was @DefraGovUK saying about the economic impact study, oh yea, there isn't one. I wonder why?https://t.co/fh51GNstAC
— Feargal Sharkey (@Feargal_Sharkey) August 8, 2023
Water Follies:
England’s 9 water companies are 90% foreign-owned.
50% of water bills in England help fund Chinese firms.Shareholder have little contact with locals. Why worry about sewage dumping?
Profits siphoned-off: Money spent by Brits makes no contribution to UK economy
— Prem Sikka (@premnsikka) August 9, 2023
But what do the Tories get out of poisoning our waters, our land and, ultimately, us? Are they getting a backhander we can’t see? If, not, then where’s the incentive?
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They are shitting in our water and being paid for it. Our environmental quality is moving backwards now. They know this and are only worried about profiting from it. It’s as if our country is being run by a bunch of Bond Villain types for the benefit of Spectre. I can’t begin to contemplate that they believe they are doing ANYTHING for the benefit of the public..
It is way past time that these corrupt, bought and paid for MPs and the Water bosses who bribe them, stand trial, get convicted and thrown in prison for a very long time, for their wilful destruction and poisoning of our rivers, and shore line, and the poisoning of people!