These social media posts tell you the UK is in big trouble

Last Updated: August 17, 2023By Tags: , , , , ,

The United Kingdom is often described as a two-party state – meaning that one of only two domestic political parties can win a general election and form a government.

If that is true, then the UK is in big trouble because neither of the two largest parties here – Conservative or Labour – is fit to govern in their current form and under their current leaders.

If you want the proof, look to the public and find out what they’re saying. Here’s just a smattering of comments about both Labour and the Tories, based on current events, from the social media:

My personal conclusion is in my reply to the Tory berk who wrote the following post:

The simple yardstick for all of the above is the different parties’ policies.

Do either Labour or the Conservatives have any policies that you want to see inflicted on you, personally? Did they have any policies you wanted and supported, only to find that party leaders reneged on them? Do you honestly think you can trust them?

If not, you need to find someone else.

Who are the other political organisations in your constituency? What are their policies?

There is always someone better out there. Find them.

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  1. Wanda Lozinska August 17, 2023 at 12:56 pm - Reply

    Exactly right. People need to stop voting for the main parties and support good local candidates instead. Not voting at all will just let the Tories or Labour (currently Red Tories) win.

    • Grey Swans August 17, 2023 at 11:11 pm - Reply

      Dear Wanda, a good local candidate will have no power over parliament as a single individual. That is not how UK politics works.

      You need a large number of MP candidates from a single party (brand) to be sat behind the Prime Minister and rule.

      So why are you not helping me please?

  2. Eric Jarvis August 17, 2023 at 2:21 pm - Reply

    This general election there will be an unprecedented number of candidates from small, local, and new parties, as well as a huge number of candidates without any party affiliation at all. Groups like Transform and OCISA are actively engaged in ensuring that left of centre groups aren’t standing against each other in the same constituency and that independent left of centre candidates are also unchallenged. More than ever before it is going to be absolutely essential to approach this general election with due diligence to understand what the actual choice on your ballot paper in your constituency will be, rather than accepting the media narrative about a pseudo-presidential election between Starmer and Sunak THAT ISN’T HAPPENING IN REALITY. With the core Tory and Labour votes “softer” than at any time in over half a century it will be possible for many of those non-establishment candidates to be elected. Find out who they are in your neck of the woods, as they announce their campaign fundraisers support them if you can afford to, find them on social media as they announce their campaigns then if you can help get involved, and then vote to get rid of ALL the crooks and chancers currently infesting the House of Commons.

  3. Grey Swans August 17, 2023 at 2:28 pm - Reply

    Help people, please, to find the alternative to Labour, that You Gov poll says has lost the vital Grey Vote, which did for Corbyn, alongside of course the sabotage from the right wing of Labour.

    Labour losing the Grey Vote yet having cloned itself to the Tories, show Tory policy is not populist to the people.

    The only left wing party that delivers to the Grey Vote, and especially the 1950s to 1980s born only victims of Labour’s right wing since late 1970s, is the potential new Over 50s & Young Labouring Ages party.

    The people have updated Corbyn’s general election manifesto (major petition informations) and the 1950s ladies’ shared experiences added the omitted Pension policies.

    Please contact through website

  4. Shaun Wilde August 17, 2023 at 3:14 pm - Reply

    I’m beginning to wonder if the only way out of this is to form a party with one policy only. That policy being the introduction of proportional representation. The party stands candidates in all constituencies and – in the event of winning – implements reform then immediately calls a general election under PR. That way we may get more than a choice between the inedible and even more inedible.

  5. Stu August 18, 2023 at 8:02 am - Reply

    More than ever people need to be educated away from the Two Party Monopoly retoric “A vote for Independent Candidates are a Wasted Vote”.
    There are Younger Voters now who are willing to question such nonsense, the older voters should follow their example.

  6. Dave Rowlands August 18, 2023 at 9:05 am - Reply

    It’s about time the electorate took a leaf out of these politicians corrupt manuals and voted for the person that reflects their needs and not those of a careerist who cares little or if at all for the needs of the voter, become selfish, vote for what you know is better for you.

  7. El Dee August 18, 2023 at 4:40 pm - Reply

    In 2010, after the ‘Credit Crunch’ the UK had reached its zenith of ‘couldn’t get a fag paper between ’em’ with Tory and Labour. New Labour had moved us to the right but we’d had some good years, now that it was over the voters realised that Cameron was no different to Brown and sought solace in voting for the LibDems in their droves. This proves that the public can be persuaded to vote for a third party across England & Wales.

    Having blotted their copy book with their own core support as well as those who voted for them in 2010 the LibDems have effectively killed their chances for some decades. But where there IS hope is the increasingly high profile of the Greens. Whilst the Scottish Greens are a different entity (unlike Labour who are the same party across UK) we can see the contribution they’ve made to progressive policy in Scotland. An excellent ‘Deposit Scheme’ which was so good the Tories in Westminster decided to renege on their agreement and sabotage the law – costing £many millions and hundreds of jobs as well as the impact on the environment.

    The Tories consider them a threat so that should be a good sign for anyone considering voting for them. I can foresee them increasing vote share if not actually returning more MPs at the next GE. For the ‘thinking’ Labour supporter they are what the Labour party used to be and should still be.

    The next GE should’ve been a slam dunk landslide for Labour. Austerity, Brexit, COVID and Cost of Living Crisis as well as being in power for 14 years an the public simply wanting a change – and this is being kind to them and failing to mention all the scandals which are, genuinely, too numerous to mention. A few key progressive policies and the promise to reverse the worst damage caused by the Tories is all Labour needed to do in order to win massively. Starmer has done everything within his power to disavow himself of anything of the kind and anything remotely Labour in its principles. It’s like he WANTS to lose.

    He, and Labour as it is today, don’t deserve our votes. People need to give up tribal loyalty to what is now just a name. Labour is no longer Labour, it has become the party that the Conservatives once were ie slightly to the left of where they are now..

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