Huge pay rise for bosses while workers struggle. Who’s causing inflation?

Last Updated: August 22, 2023By Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

The real cause of inflation: prices have been rising to give chief executives of companies massive, inflation-busting pay rises.

It’s nice that the Tories aren’t even trying to present themselves as electable any more.

They have spent so much time and energy telling us that our wages have been driving inflation up that it is impossible for them to backtrack, now we can see that the real cause is the naked greed of company executives.

And they won’t take the logical steps to rectify the situation. Firstly, they need to legislate to stop the privatised utility firms (especially energy and water) engaging in brazen profiteering because they can always force the government to increase its subsidy to them.

Tories insist on supporting privatisation, meaning they refuse to allow privatised utilities to go back into public ownership and are forced to increase public funding for them whenever the millions and billions they hand to shareholders seem likely to drive them out of business.

Secondly, they need to do as Owen Jones suggests in the following clip:

“Tax them.”

Doesn’t it seem strange that, with the UK straining under the biggest taxes we’ve had in 70 or 80 years, the government is refusing to take money from those who are most able to bear that load without suffering any serious harm to their way of life?

So it seems to This Writer that they are actually doing the decent thing (albeit unrepentantly), admitting that they’ve done wrong and – by sticking with the policy – giving up.

They’re as good as saying, “We know we’ve done wrong. We’re going to keep on doing wrong until you remove our ability to do so.”

I, for one, can’t wait to get on with it.

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  1. Hecuba August 22, 2023 at 10:48 am - Reply

    Fascist tories are very close to achieving their dream which is ensuring the poorest women, children and men suffer diseases which were once eliminated!

    Rickets a disease which happens due to poor nuitition and poverty is on the rise in UK. 442 cases were recorded in Scotland during 2022 and 482 cases in England for the same year! 112 cases of Tuberculosis and 223 cases of scarlet fever. 171 cases of scurvey and all these diseases are due to poverty!

    Never mind the fascist tories are increasing their bloated wealth and ensuring they won’t suffer when their bros that second or is it fourth rate tory party which claims to be labour (sic) gains political power! I foresee nothing changing just new faces all uttering the same arrogant fascist tory lies to us peasants!

    By the way why are greedy bosses of these bloated male owned corporate companies exempt from any criticism of their causing inflation by having their bloated salaries even more bloated!

  2. Grey Swans August 22, 2023 at 12:33 pm - Reply

    Seeking volunteer admin (no technical political knowledge needed, as that would be provided by the specialist law firm already found) to bring into existence our oven ready new Over 50s & Young Labouring Ages party, please, that would, in government by your kind votes:

    – More National Insurance and Income Tax on rich people.
    – Lower tax for basic waged.
    – Pay public workers more.
    – Renationalise, without compensation, all public services, including Royal Mail.
    – Lower energy bills.
    – Price control on basic food.
    – Cap private rents.
    – Lower mortgage interest on low and average homes.

    Please contact through website

    There is no other left wing party with Grey Vote pension policies that can gain that vital age group, and none have won elections, including these last ones in July.

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