Is this how Keir Starmer wants to stop you getting the wages you deserve?

Last Updated: September 14, 2023By Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Keir Starmer: he likes to give speeches in industrial settings, claiming to be on the side of workers. But is he actually betraying them by giving employers a way of keep wages low?

The Tories have found a new angle from which to attack Keir Starmer today, claiming he will allow around 100,000 migrants into the UK in return for restoration of a “returns” scheme that would send back those arriving in the UK by non-approved routes.

Here’s Greg Hands:

And here’s Robert Jenrick:

Presumably they’re all at it but I’ve only seen these.

The claim that Starmer is somehow betraying the UK by seeking to negotiate a solution to the channel boat question is undoubtedly good for the Tories. But it is completely daft.

The UK used to have a “returns” policy along the lines suggested by the stories in the Torygraph and Hate Mail but the Tories under Boris Johnson ditched it as part of their childish Brexit. It had worked very well in keeping down the number of people seeking asylum in the UK from abroad.

Not only that, but it has to be remembered that there would not be as many people coming here if the UK had not engaged in numerous adventures in foreign countries that displaced these people in the first place. Whether because of that or domestic issues, they come because they no longer feel safe in their home countries. The solution to that is negotiation with the governments of those countries to restore them to stability.

And it would put a stop to the “criminal gangs” who exploit the people trying to cross the channel into the UK, more effectively than anything the Tories are doing.

So Starmer’s ideas are not beyond reason, as these Tories are painting them.

They are unacceptable to UK employees, though – and here’s the reason.

The country’s labour market is currently stretched to its limit; there simply aren’t enough jobseekers to fill the vacancies available to them. This is partly due to Brexit and the departure of many foreign-born workers back to the European Union.

In such a situation, employees have a stronger hand when negotiating pay deals. If evidence that average pay has increased by 8.5 per cent in the year to summer 2023 is accurate, then someone has been taking advantage of this.

Employers don’t like it. It cuts into their profits (which have been enormous in some cases but they still want it all for themselves).

The Tories have suggested that they would push sick and disabled people to seek jobs, by making the Work Capability Assessment they must take to receive benefits more difficult. The aim is to force a million people onto the jobs market, even though they are actually too infirm to work.

Starmer’s suggested deal with the EU would bring in at least 100,000 people – initially. And they all have to make a living for themselves.

It seems to This Writer that Starmer wants to undercut UK workers’ wage demands by ensuring employers have access to cheap labour from abroad. This is how he is betraying the UK today.

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  1. John Lincoln September 14, 2023 at 11:27 am - Reply

    If you believe it is wrong to enable more refugees to come to the UK, live here and take up work which will fill the worker shortfall, what do you think is the right alternative – what the Tories are doing? If not that, then what do you suggest?

    • Mike Sivier September 14, 2023 at 11:32 am - Reply

      For a start, I would suggest that employers and the politicians on their payrolls actually start paying everybody a living wage, rather than pushing us all into poverty. The consequent increase in morale will improve productivity for a start.

    • mohandeer September 14, 2023 at 12:17 pm - Reply

      Paying workers a living wage in line with the cost of living would be a good starting point. Until this disparity is addressed our economic situation is unlikely to improve. Thatcher was happy to invite immigrants into the country as long as they were going to work, but the consequence of that is the perpetuation of a wrong mindset of keeping the working class living with depressed wages and so the situation deteriorates in a loop effect.
      This regime currently ruling/ruining Britain can spend £24 billion in 2022 and the same again for 2023 totalling £48 billion to support the corrupt neo nazi regime in Ukraine but can’t afford to support the NHS needs and you ask what could the government do different?
      I do not blithely agree to a come one come all attitude with regard immigration but the truth is, we have an appalling disregard for people fleeing conflict(which we have been a party to in causing)tyrants who leave their peoples in destitution and a predisposition towards violence, or persecution by whatever means, to have such contempt for the plight of people who are only trying to escape their suffering is is really not a good look for a country espousing itself as a civilised society.
      Both Tory and STP(Substitute Tory Party) are dodging a major issue and that is the way taxation is applied in this country. I am not a socialist per se, but even I can understand the basics of the chasm that divides the majority excluding aspiring middle class wanabes from the disgusting top 1% and that number is growing and even the top 10% which also is expanding.
      It’s not rocket science to see the obvious and yet both govt. parties are looking the other way – constantly!

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