Warmongers attack Jeremy Corbyn for requesting Israel/Palestine peace

Jeremy Corbyn: he has defended Jewish people throughout his career but is a strong critic of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
This should be a cautionary warning about what the UK’s politicians and media have become.
After Hamas launched its attack on Israel on Saturday (October 7), big-name politicians on both sides of the UK political fence – and across the world – leapt up to voice their support for the apartheid nation that has invaded its neighbour country Palestine, stolen its land, subjugated, tortured and murdered its people. They failed to mention those crucial details. I’ll go into them further in another article.
And (as far as I’m aware) with just one exception, they supported Israel’s military response that targeted civilians, while bemoaning the Hamas attacks for doing the same thing.
Only one elected UK politicians – to my knowledge – called for a peaceful solution:
The unfolding events in Israel and Palestine are deeply alarming.
We need an immediate ceasefire and urgent de-escalation.
And we need a route out of this tragic cycle of violence: ending the occupation is the only means of achieving a just and lasting peace.
— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) October 7, 2023
And he got slated for it:
Your ‘friends’ Hamas are murdering children and taking civilian hostages.
Haven’t you said enough? https://t.co/RI6M68xjVs
— Tom Tugendhat (@TomTugendhat) October 7, 2023
Mr Tugendhat was referring to an event hosted by Mr Corbyn, to which representatives from Hamas had been invited, when he diplomatically referred to them as “friends”; you don’t get the result you want from other people if you’re antagonistic towards them.
Here’s another one, with a suitable response from a friend of This Site:
And he would have done a fantastic job. Your alternative is an escalation of war. And that could include more than 2 nations , the way it is going. Try thinking before opening your spiteful gob
— Revolution Breeze (@SueJonesSays) October 7, 2023
Sue Jones hit the nail on the head: “Your alternative is an escalation of war.”
And here’s Tory MP Brendan Clarke-Smith, who provoked a response from This Writer:
What is wrong with what he wrote? Are you not alarmed by what's going on in Israel and Palestine? Do you want the violence to continue and escalate? And do you want it to continue indefinitely? That's what you are saying, it seems to me.
— Mike Sivier (@MidWalesMike) October 7, 2023
I’ve had no response at the time of writing (12.30am, October 9).
The next couple of tweets put the situation in a nutshell:
.@JeremyCorbyn has called for a ceasefire.
He has said there is a need for urgent de-escalation.
He wants a world of peace and an end to the violence.
But somehow he’s the evil bastard when it comes to the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Honestly, it really beggars belief.
— James Foster (@JamesEFoster) October 8, 2023
Frightening that Corbyn is the only MP in the UK calling for de escalation of tbe bloodshed and killing in the Middle East. And worse, many MPs are pillorying and abusing him for advocating for peace. What kind of a Country has to UK become?
— Kerry Burgess (@KerryBurgess) October 8, 2023
Worse that all of the above is the fact that a journalist from – I believe – Channel 4 News then pursued Mr Corbyn at the Labour Party Conference and demanded that he explain whether he condemned the actions of Hamas.
He did – very clearly. But he also condemned those of the Israeli military (“ALL attacks are wrong”), and that wasn’t what the reporter wanted to hear. He wanted Mr Corbyn to take a side and, as the commenter below points out, that is stupid and people expecting it are “eejits” (like those mentioned above):
1. If Corbz is so irrelevant, why do they keep doing this?
2. People asking this stupid question have never understood what conflict resolution entails. Peace-builders do not "take sides". They seek transformation of conflicts. Only eejits think "taking sides" is productive. https://t.co/iCzT9pfR7Q— CrémantCommunarde #BeAPeacemonger ☮️ (@0Calamity) October 8, 2023
After reading/watching the above, here’s the big question:
What do you think about all this?
Bearing in mind that Israel has an absolute right to exist alongside Palestine, within the borders that were mapped out for it after World War II, and that Palestine also has the same right to existence, and that both nations also have the right to be free of invaders (here’s the UN resolution showing that Palestine has the right to take up arms against such invaders)…
It must be emphasised that armed struggle by the Palestinian resistance against the occupier is legal under international law.
This is from UN General Assembly resolution 37/43 adopted in 1982. There is no ambiguity about it. pic.twitter.com/Jmi4jpPqEA
— Matt Kennard (@kennardmatt) October 7, 2023
… do you think that our politicians and press have any reason to support Israel against Palestine now?
Or do you think both sides should withdraw and seek a lasting peace, with the possible help of a mediator? Or do you have a better solution to offer?
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Israel is not an apartheid state. That’s a lie perpetrated by muslims. Israel 🇮🇱 allows Palestinians to work in Israel for three times what they get in gaza. They didn’t attack gaza, hamas the terrorists did with the help of hesbollah and Iran. They have babies and small children in cages, God knows what they will do to them. The Palestinians went House to house shooting the elderly, raping and killing women. Don’t listen to the lame stream news.
Why are Palestinian territories walled off, then? Israel is very clearly an apartheid state. And why should I believe you – an individual who may have ulterior motives for what you say, over respected and regulated news providers?
Jeremy Corbyn is the only politician in the UK who is not interested in promoting/supporting warmonger propaganda. Indeed what have UK’s politicians become? Warmongers or peace promoters? Warmongers obviously which begs question why are so many politicians of whatever political party supporting zionist Israel and ignoring the Palestinian civililans who continue to endure systemic Israeli military violence?
Carpet salesman Rishi Sunak is also promoting war mongering by informing the leaders of Israel ‘UK is poised to offer military help if required.’ No we don’t want the UK to be involved in this war what we want is a peaceful resolution.
Jeremy Corbyn is the only voice of reason and because he dares to call for negotiations and a ceasefire he is demonised by the war mongering mainstream media and their politician bros!
Another important question to be asked is why are mainstream media and politicians taking sides and supporting Israel – is it a combination of somehow gaining political power/profits or perhaps they believe that because of the Holocaust this somehow exonerates the zionist political leaders from any accountability regarding their systemic persecution of Palestinian civilians.
Hamas are committing the same atrocities as the zionist Israeli military which is why taking sides only ensures an escalation of violence and why calling for a ceasefire and peace negotiations is the only way to end this latest round of violence.