Politicians backtrack fast after court threat over support for Israel

Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak: the accused?

UK government officials could be individually liable for their role in aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes, according to an organisation of lawyers, politicians and academics who aim to protect the rights of Palestinians through the law.

And the warning seems to have cut through – certainly to the Labour front bench, even though it was issued to Rishi Sunak and his Tories.

The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) has written a notice of intention to prosecute UK government officials, for aiding and abetting war crimes in Gaza. Sunak has been issued with the notice of intention to prosecute UK government officials, for their role in providing military, economic and political support to Israel, which has aided Israel’s perpetration of war crimes.

The notice has been handed over to Scotland Yard’s War Crimes Unit, who have requested evidence relating to war crimes in the region – meaning UK government officials could be prosecuted for war crimes by Scotland Yard.

Individuals could also be prosecuted by the International Criminal Court.

A press release from the organisation states:

The decision to prosecute comes in response to Israel’s directive to 1.2 million people in Gaza to immediately leave their homes in northern Gaza and move south. This order will result in mass forced displacement which may amount to both a war crime and a crime against humanity. The siege of Gaza, restricting electricity, food, water and other basic necessities, constitutes collective punishment, which is also a war crime under the Geneva Convention. At the same time, Israel has continued to bombard Gaza with massive and indiscriminate airstrikes, killing over 1,799 people, including 583 children.

The UK government has provided military assistance and economic and political support. Now that war crimes have been carried out, continuation of such support and assistance would mean that UK Government officials would be complicit in the commission of war crimes and potentially crimes against humanity. This complicity, formally known as ‘aiding and abetting’ war crimes, may mean that UK government officials are individually criminally liable for breaking international law.

Now you know why all the politicians in the UK are saying Israel must remain within international law.

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But the UK has provided aid to Israel, war crimes have taken place, and they are continuing.

Calls for Israel to hold back have fallen on deaf ears – and now it seems that those making them have their own interests at heart, more than those of the people of Gaza.

And this includes the Labour Party:

It’s hard to see how an opposition party can be complicit in war crimes if it is not in a position to provide material aid to the perpetrator.

Still, Starmer’s words have caused considerable distress to the UK’s Muslim population. Perhaps it’s enough that he has been a cheerleader for Israeli war crimes.

This is a story that has the potential to develop in many interesting directions.

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  1. graham poulloin October 19, 2023 at 12:28 am - Reply

    Another Sarajevo?


  2. Lily-Rose October 19, 2023 at 9:21 am - Reply

    Mike, the ICJP also sent a warning to Keir Starmer This is probably why he has backtracked. According to the ICJP, any politician can be prosecuted for aiding and abetting war crimes, not just those in government. Perhaps they can be prosecuted for your words giving support and promoting those war crimes, and not just for providing aid and material support?

    • Mike Sivier October 19, 2023 at 11:32 am - Reply

      I would certainly approve of that! Thanks for the information.

  3. Tony October 19, 2023 at 12:15 pm - Reply

    Perhaps this could be applied also to those politicians who have made clear their willingness to use nuclear weapons.

  4. blim byrne October 26, 2023 at 6:38 pm - Reply

    So Crispin Blunt has been arrested on suspicion (rape and controlled substances)
    timing curious

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