Andy McDonald suspended by Labour Party over allegedly ‘offensive’ speech

Andy McDonald: more integrity than Keir Starmer. It’s not saying much – Richard Nixon had more integrity than Starmer and he needed an assistant to screw him into his trousers every morning.
Outspoken MP Andy McDonald has been suspended by the Labour Party over a speech in which he allegedly mentioned the pro-Palestine chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” in an offensive way.
According to the BBC,
The MP for Middlesbrough used the phrase “between the river and the sea” in a speech at a pro-Palestinian rally.
Critics of a chant which contains the phrase argue it implicitly calls for the destruction of Israel.
But Mr McDonald said his words were intended as “a heartfelt plea for an end to the killings” in the region.
He will now sit as an independent MP, pending an investigation.
In his speech at a demonstration on Saturday, Mr McDonald, a former shadow minister under Jeremy Corbyn, said: “We will not rest until we have justice. Until all people, Israelis and Palestinians, between the river and the sea, can live in peaceful liberty.”
It’s tenuous, isn’t it?
Former Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell thinks so:
With Andy McDonald when he spoke on demo. These are his words exactly "We won"t rest until we have justice, until all people, Israelis and Palestinians, between the river and the sea can live in peaceful liberty." He turned a slogan some are concerned about into a peace plea. 1/2
— John McDonnell MP (@johnmcdonnellMP) October 30, 2023
And there’s this (the Michael RentaMob tweet below):
Page one of the Likud Party’s founding document (1977) – ‘…from the sea to the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.’ What does Starmer call that?
— Michael RentaMob 🚩🇵🇸☮ 🏳️🌈✊🏿 (@MichaelMillercm) October 30, 2023
It seems to This Writer that Keir Starmer was looking for an excuse to make an example of somebody.
McDonald’s words were not anti-Semitic; that is abundantly clear. Keir Starmer suspended him for calling for peace in Israel and Palestine.
Today (October 31, 2023), Starmer is giving a speech on Labour’s position regarding the Israel-Gaza conflict (not Israel-Hamas; remember that Israel is just killing innocent civilians and any Hamas members who get caught in Israeli fire are victims of coincidence).
McDonald’s suspension seems nothing more than a publicity stunt by a Labour leader who is struggling to retain his support base after a shocking faux pas of his own when he supported Israeli war crimes.
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Funny ol’ world. I found the words, “Israel has that right,” in response to the question of whether it should be allowed to starve Palestinian children, offensive. But hey, Starmer never mentioned the river and the sea did he?
I guess I’m just quirky, right?
Another article that appears in The Cradle says this:
“Netanyahu has promised an investigation into how Hamas was able to infiltrate thousands of fighters across Gaza’s highly surveilled border fence into Israel to attack military bases and settlements, but says it can only take place once the war is over.”
How very convenient that an investigation can only take place after the war is over.
And why is the US getting involved?
It has sent the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford, named after autopsy falsifier and former president, into the area.
As for Starmer, you cannot believe anything that man says.
He is a member of the Socialist Campaign Group of MPs. Three of them Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott, Claudia Webbe have already been suspended on one charge or another. All of them one way or another are supporters of the Palestinian cause and all are a thorn in the side of right wing Labour. They are being picked off one by one. Andy McDonald may have a legal case to challenge his suspension given that the suspension wasn’t based on what he actually said. It won’t make any difference to the fate of SCG in the long run, all have a ‘death sentence’ hanging over their heads as they represent views that are so clearly at odds with the current Labour leadership. The case against each of them is no doubt being compiled, how long they continue to represent their constituencies as Labour MPs is the question. With the general election coming up next year the question becomes urgent. Replacements will be needed and time to embed themselves in the election campaign. The best thing would be for SCG MPs to resign now and become the leadership nucleus of a new independent labour party which would have the support of large numbers of voters as well as taking in a mass of members currently disillusioned inside the Labour Party and those who were expelled from the party due to fake anti semitism charges and all other genuine supporters of the labour cause. There is a mood for democratic renewal in Britain. Maybe this could be the opportunity we’ve all been waiting for.
The UK is now a North Korea satellite!