Margaret Hodge admitted trying to stop Labour from winning an election. Shouldn’t she be expelled?

Last Updated: December 2, 2023By Tags: , , , , , , ,

Margaret Hodge: she proudly announced she sabotaged Jeremy Corbyn’s chance of becoming prime minister – will Keir Starmer proudly suspend her party membership and investigated whether she should be expelled?

Margaret Hodge is not only a Labour Party member but a Labour MP.

Under Labour rules, every party member must do what they can to help the party win elections – even if that just means voting for the party at the ballot box.

Actively working to prevent Labour from winning an election is an expulsion-level offence.

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Here’s Margaret Hodge saying she actively worked to prevent Labour from winning a general election, in order to prevent Jeremy Corbyn from becoming prime minister and enacting a transformative set of policies that would have transformed the UK for the better:

Her admission has prompted a wave of outrage from people who were Labour supporters at the time (apologies for repeating the tweet with the video in the following but I can’t uncouple them):

As Labour leader, Keir Starmer has acted to suspend party members who he considered to have broken the rules in the past – but they were not supporters of his right-wing policies because they are not in line with the ideals on which the party was formed.

Now he is facing a bald-faced admission – by one of his supporters – that she sabotaged the party’s chances at a general election.

To be consistent, he should act to suspend her party membership and her ability to sit in Parliament as a Labour MP, and start an investigation into whether she has committed the offence that she has admitted.

If he does not, then the public need to take this into account at the ballot box – in every remaining election that takes place while he is Labour leader.

In other words: failing to suspend Hodge will be an admission that Starmer is corrupt; we cannot have another corrupt prime minister, therefore he must either suspend her or lose votes.

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  1. Hecuba December 3, 2023 at 11:35 am - Reply

    Proves the fake labour party is a puppet of the fascist tories! That hypocrite little Starmer will not remove Margaret Hodge from her membership of his fourth rate fascist tory party because she is invaluable in destroying what remains of the real labour party!

    So outcome of next election will be yet another fascist dictatorship because Starmer is a fascist just like his bro carpet salesman Sunak!

  2. Graham Warwick December 3, 2023 at 1:40 pm - Reply

    Margaret Hodge, one of the most disgraceful individuals ever to call herself a Labour MP.

  3. Graham Warwick December 3, 2023 at 1:55 pm - Reply

    Margaret Hodge, one of the most disgraceful individuals ever to claim the title Labour MP. She stabbed Jeremy Corbyn anywhere her dagger would reach. She especially relished in the lie about antisemitism aimed Corbyn as she acted as a quisling on behalf of Israel. She was not alone. Starmer too has demonstrated his unhealthy links to this rogue state. Both have broken strict rules that no Labour MP may act against the interests of the Party in the run up to and during a GE. They should both be sacked forthwith as the rules are very clear.

  4. The Toffee December 3, 2023 at 4:54 pm - Reply

    After modge’s despicable actions when at Islington council, I wonder why the nonce-enabler was ever allowed to hold public office, let alone remain at liberty.

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