Condolences for Palestine’s ambassador amid fears that Israel is preparing worse atrocities

This Writer had no idea, when preparing my earlier article about the death of Sidra Hassouna, that she was one of the relatives mentioned by Palestine’s ambassador to the UK, Husam Zomlot, in the video clip of him that I used.

Here is his message confirming what happened:

And here is the video clip. In it, he states, “Israel has massacred from 60 to 100 – we don’t know the exact number because, still, people are under rubble including the family of my own – of my wife: her aunt, the husband, all the children, all the grandchildren are gone.”

Now we know they are gone forever – victims of the so-called Superbowl Massacre, in which Israel bombed a refugee camp in Rafah to provide fake cover for a fake rescue operation, to be able to say two hostages had been rescued (who had in fact been rescued days before).

This Site can only offer deepest sympathies to Mr Zomlot. Nobody should ever have to see the children of their family in the way he has been forced to see them, due to Israel’s brutal genocide – an atrocity that is made worse by the clear delight that the Israeli military forces take in killing civilian children, women and men (see my previous article).

I think of the children in my own family, and the younger friends I have, and I consider how I would feel if such savagery was inflicted on them. To understand the horror of what is happening in Rafah, you should do the same. And remember: there is no need for this to happen. There were always better ways of responding to the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel.

No: Israeli forces are murdering children and dismembering their bodies because they want to.

What else should we expect when their political leaders are encouraging them?

Such killings of female and child non-combatants are now routine, with white flags ignored by the IDF, as this Sky News report makes clear. Note also how the IDF refuses to comment on its atrocities when confronted with the facts:

Others have also offered condolences to Mr Zomlot – both public figures and members of the public:

Yes. Isn’t it strange that the UK’s prime minister, Rishi Sunak, has had nothing to say about this?

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In fairness, Foreign Secretary David Cameron has pointed out that, as the occupying power that controls everything going into and out of Gaza, Israel has a duty to civilians there:

But neither Cameron nor anybody else in the UK government is lifting a finger to stop the slaughter – instead we provide funds and weapons to Israel, and as such the UK is aiding and abetting genocide.

The public is speaking, though: there is a petition calling on the government to revoke all arms export licences to Israel. Please sign. This Writer has no doubt that the government will ignore it (money talks) but it may demonstrate the strength of public feeling if it gains a significant number of signatures:

It seems more – and worse – is on the way. With 1.5 million people now trapped in Rafah and Israeli forces closing in for a ground assault – on civilian children, women and men, remember – they have no way out.

Attacks on Rafah are already taking place, as we have seen, and the Israeli forces are also taking time to murder civilians who remain in other parts of Gaza. If anybody – especially our UK politicians – remains under any illusion that the IDF is under orders to protect civilians, you should unburden yourself of that illusion now.

For example: remember Nasser Hospital, which is a protected site under the Geneva Convention; it is a war crime to attack anybody there?

I already reported on the way a child was shot in front of the hospital, by snipers who then targeted anybody who tried to reach him.

It seems the IDF then sent a handcuffed Palestinian prisoner into the hospital to order everybody there to evacuate – and then they murdered him when he returned:

Meanwhile – apparently for fun – Israel bombed the hospital:

And now – faced with no choice – patients and civilians have left the hospital, under the waiting guns of the Israeli butchers. I fear that Mark Seddon’s words, below, may be prophetic:

The IDF’s actions have been condemned by Medicins sans Frontieres, who wrote:

Since the war in Gaza began, our medical teams and patients have been forced to evacuate nine different health care facilities in the Gaza Strip, after coming under fire from tanks, artillery, fighter jets, snipers and ground troops, or being subject to an evacuation order. Medical staff and patients have been arrested, abused and killed. Provision of healthcare and scaling up lifesaving assistance is being made impossible by the intensity of Israel’s bombings and shelling, as well as intense fighting.

Warring parties must always respect and allow unhindered access to medical facilities and their surroundings and protect medical staff and patients.

MSF reiterates its call for an immediate ceasefire that will spare the lives of civilians, allow adequate and vital access to food and other basic commodities, and re-establish the healthcare system on which the survival of the people of Gaza depends.

After This Site showed video of Israelis partying in the street in order to prevent aid from getting to Gaza, it seems others are moving to prevent it from entering by other routes:

Here in the UK, those of us who are of good conscience are still trying to make our own will clear, and push our leaders into doing the right thing.

So we boycott Israeli goods in our shops:

If you’ve got a mobile phone (who hasn’t, these days?) but don’t yet have the No Thanks app that tells you whether an item was produced by Israel and should be boycotted, get it from the Google Play store or other appropriate app store now.

And the Scottish National Party is forcing another ceasefire vote in Parliament, likely to happen as an Opposition Day motion next Wednesday (February 21).

Here’s Stephen Flynn, leader of the SNP in the House of Commons:

“History will judge all of us by our actions,” he says in the clip.

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  1. Martin Odoni February 15, 2024 at 3:38 pm - Reply

    Remember al-Ahli? Strange how Israel suddenly doesn’t give a damn if it gets blamed for blowing a hospital to fragments.

    Did it ever?

  2. Hecuba February 16, 2024 at 11:36 am - Reply

    So it continues fascist Israeli forces continue to murder Palestinian women, children and men with impunity because our cowardly craven fake UK government refuses to act! Same applies to that fake president Biden and also other western governments – they all ignore this ongoing mass murder being committed by fascist Israelis!

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