Did Sunak really abandon D-Day commemorations to say he missed out on Sky TV?

Did Sunak really abandon D-Day commemorations to say he missed out on Sky TV?

Did Sunak really abandon D-Day commemorations to say he missed out on Sky TV? That’s the message This Writer is getting from the news outlets.

Sunak infamously scarpered from the 80th anniversary event in France to take part in an ITV News interview that was set to be screened today (Wednesday, June 12, 2024). He said on Monday that he hoped veterans could find it in their hearts to forgive him.

Why on Earth should they do that when the most noteworthy part of the interview is his claim that he had to go without Sky TV as a child?

Cry me a river, Rishi. This Writer didn’t have Sky either – I still don’t. And I don’t miss it.

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Even more sickening is his claim that going without (his parents wanted to fund his education, he said) meant he learned the value of hard work.

If he’s trying to say that’s why he’s one of the UK’s wealthiest people now, it’s not going to work.

He married into wealth – his wife is a shareholder in Infosys, which was co-founded by her father.

His own fortune was made as a hedge fund manager – one of the scumbags who cashed in on the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 onwards, that caused so much misery for millions of people, including the austerity policies imposed by Tory-led governments of 2010 onwards that have led to many thousands of deaths.

Tory policies also put countless armed forces veterans on the streets – homeless – instead of into dignified retirement.

Put it all together and it seems unlikely that veterans will want to forgive him for anything at all.

The interview will be aired by ITV at 7pm BST.

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