Labour's general election blackmail is revealed

Labour’s general election blackmail is revealed

Labour’s general election blackmail is revealed in these two X posts, along with party leader Keir Starmer’s dishonesty.

First, here’s shadow health secretary Wes Streeting, telling us the only way to achieve a change from Conservative government is by voting Labour:

The reason Streeting can say voting for anyone other than Labour helps the Tories is because the UK’s general elections are run on an archaic First Past The Post (FPTP) system that means votes for any party other than the two most popular may sway the election in favour of one or the other – meaning the party that comes in second might have won if people had not voted for candidates from smaller parties.

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That would not happen under proportional representation because with that system, every vote counts and the result of an election reflects the number of people voting for each party.

Labour leader Keir Starmer has spoken very strongly in favour of proportional representation in the past; he presented himself as a leader who wanted every vote to count.

But isn’t it astonishing! With an election taking place in which his party is the clear favourite to win a large majority under FPTP, Starmer’s loyalties have flipped – as we can see here:

It’s blatant opportunism and blackmail of the electorate.

Under proportional representation, a much wider variety of parties (and possibly Independents) would take Parliamentary seats, and Starmer doesn’t want that if he’s got a stab at a Labour dictatorship under FPTP.

So he has switched his support to that system and his party’s candidates are telling us we have no choice other than to vote Labour – even if we don’t like Starmer’s policies – if we want to get the Conservatives out. That is a betrayal.

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  1. Thomas June 29, 2024 at 1:05 am - Reply

    With PR the Reform UK fascists would get in.

  2. Jules Newman June 29, 2024 at 8:40 am - Reply

    I hate Keir Starmer as much as Alexi Sayle. However all politicians do this about turn on getting into power ,why wouldn`t they ?,Its one of the things that keeps the whole ghastly charade that`s got them there , going.

  3. Tony June 29, 2024 at 10:43 am - Reply

    “In so many Labour v Tory races, a vote for smaller parties is a vote that helps the Tories.”

    Labour’s constant agreeing with the Conservatives helps them.

  4. Keith Roberts June 30, 2024 at 11:04 am - Reply

    We knew about Starmer’s positive leanings toward Israel and his antipathy towards the murders in Gaza before we recognised that it was a calculated and cold blooded genocide. It was Al Jazeera’s exposé of the systematic demolition of the Labour party by Starmer’s right wing, Zionist ‘advisors’ that caught my attention and suspicion of his methods and intent. I don’t want to be ruled by a Leader willing to support fascists. I won’t be voting ‘Labour’!

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