Props to Thomas Clark of Another Angry Voice for having the patience to watch Robert Jenrick’s deranged attack on Muslims (apparently) for choking up the streets of Birmingham with litter. It was on (of course) GBNews.
He writes:
Jenrick only interviews white people, while Muslims and minorities are reduced to background extras in the clips of dirty streets.
Jenrick rails against the “minority of people” responsible for this filth, and the Islamic calls to prayer that seem like they’re edited into the background at various points make it clear which “minority” they’re wanting the viewer to blame.

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The comments beneath the video on Twitter are full of braying racist imbeciles responding to all the dog whistles.
”Typical Muslim shithole”, “send back all non British”, “mass deportations”, “import the third world, become the third world”, “send all the foreigners back”, “third world savages”, “the trash needs to be removed. Then cleaning the mess they left will be easier” … it’s a cacophony of hate.
Remember that Jenrick himself was called out as a racist when, as a Conservative Party leadership candidate, he appeared on television to call for Muslims to be arrested for speaking a phrase that is central to their faith.
In fact, Muslims are a very clean group. Look at the situation in Dubai – as This Writer did when Deform UK spokesmouth Isobel Oakeshott tried to suggest unemployed people should be forced to pick up litter, back in April:
Dubai’s city authorities pay a force of 2,500-3,000 workers and street cleaners, who clean up almost 9,000 tonnes of waste over the course of six hours every day, starting at 5am. There is a rubbish bin in every corner of the city and recycling options are being promoted; anti-litter laws are strongly enforced (“no-one is ever fined” in the UK, says Oakeshott – isn’t that because the Tories have slashed police numbers?) and there is – yes – education in schools that teaches children not to litter.
So littering is considered a serious issue in that Muslim country, and resources are allocated appropriately.
What’s the situation in Birmingham, then? AAV provides the relevant information:
Jenrick even has the cheek to interview a Tory local councillor, who rails against rising Council Tax rates in Birmingham, and the fact the Labour-run council has cut back £300 million in services.
Why did the council cut back this £300 million?
We’re not told.
We’re not told because it was the Tories in central government who massively defunded local government funding.
It was the Tories who decided to force councils to choose between paying for essential life-saving services and paying for basic maintenance issues like street cleaning, regular bin collections, and enforcement of littering bylaws.
Tory austerity forced councils all over the country to strip back local services to the bare bones; Tory austerity is the reason our streets are full of rubbish and potholes; and Tory austerity is the reason our Council Tax bills have gone up dramatically in return for fewer and poorer services.
Yes, indeed. And let’s remember it was a Tory policy that forced Birmingham to effectively declare bankruptcy in September 2023, issuing a section 114 notice confirming that all new spending, with the exception of protecting vulnerable people and statutory services, must stop immediately – after receiving a £760m bill to settle equal pay claims:
It comes after a Supreme Court ruling back in 2012 found in favour of mostly female employees of Birmingham City Council – and that a bonus scheme that was handed out to staff in certain roles favoured those which were mainly taken up by men.
But here’s the kicker: the court ruling relates to people who were working at the council from 2004 to 2010 – when it was not controlled by Labour. Indeed, records show that in 2004 – the year from which claims could be made, the council was run by the Conservative Party, in coalition with the Liberal Democrats.
For most of the period covered by the court ruling, the council was under no overall control.
When the council originally lost its Supreme Court appeal, back in 2012, it had been ordered to save £600 million by 2017 – by the Conservative/Liberal Democrat Coalition government.
It could afford to borrow £429 million of the £757 million it was expecting to have to pay – but would have to get special dispensation from the government of the day to take out any more loans.
It seems likely that no such dispensation was forthcoming. This would indicate that it is not Labour, but the Conservatives, who are responsible for Birmingham Council’s precarious financial position.
So Tory Robert Jenrick’s GBNews piece was racist, because it attacked Birmingham’s Muslims unreasonably over litter that is only present because of a sexist Tory policy from many years ago.
And I’m reporting this on a day when the Tories are attacking Labour because of allegedly racist and sexist (among other things) WhatsApp messages sent by now-former Health Minister Andrew Gwynne.
So we could say that while Labour may have a problem with racism and sexism, the Tories are riddled with racism, sexism and hypocrisy too.
Source: Robert Jenrick’s diabolical GB News Tory propaganda piece
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Robert Jenrick’s attack on littering is deranged
Props to Thomas Clark of Another Angry Voice for having the patience to watch Robert Jenrick’s deranged attack on Muslims (apparently) for choking up the streets of Birmingham with litter. It was on (of course) GBNews.
He writes:
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Remember that Jenrick himself was called out as a racist when, as a Conservative Party leadership candidate, he appeared on television to call for Muslims to be arrested for speaking a phrase that is central to their faith.
In fact, Muslims are a very clean group. Look at the situation in Dubai – as This Writer did when Deform UK spokesmouth Isobel Oakeshott tried to suggest unemployed people should be forced to pick up litter, back in April:
So littering is considered a serious issue in that Muslim country, and resources are allocated appropriately.
What’s the situation in Birmingham, then? AAV provides the relevant information:
Yes, indeed. And let’s remember it was a Tory policy that forced Birmingham to effectively declare bankruptcy in September 2023, issuing a section 114 notice confirming that all new spending, with the exception of protecting vulnerable people and statutory services, must stop immediately – after receiving a £760m bill to settle equal pay claims:
So Tory Robert Jenrick’s GBNews piece was racist, because it attacked Birmingham’s Muslims unreasonably over litter that is only present because of a sexist Tory policy from many years ago.
And I’m reporting this on a day when the Tories are attacking Labour because of allegedly racist and sexist (among other things) WhatsApp messages sent by now-former Health Minister Andrew Gwynne.
So we could say that while Labour may have a problem with racism and sexism, the Tories are riddled with racism, sexism and hypocrisy too.
Source: Robert Jenrick’s diabolical GB News Tory propaganda piece
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