Join Jess Barnard in the search for left-wing solutions to today's problems at a major event in London soon

Join Jess Barnard in the search for left-wing solutions to today’s problems

Join Jess Barnard in the search for left-wing solutions to today’s problems at the Socialism or Barbarism dayschool later this month.

Jess Barnard, who distinguished herself as an inspired leader of Young Labour, is inviting like-minded people to come together and discuss socialist responses to the crises facing us – as Donald Trump causes havoc and the government here chooses to prioritise spending on warfare over welfare.

She writes: “As Tony Benn said, ‘If we can find the money to kill people, we can find the money to help people,’ and that is why it’s so important to join the Socialism or Barbarism dayschool.

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“On Saturday March 29 in London, in person, join me, speakers from across our movements, leading Left economists and thinkers, plus many more, for a unique dayschool of socialist political education.”

You can register here and spread the word here.

“Building a fighting left also means supporting struggles for peace & socialist change internationally, so we’ll being joined by speakers from CND, Sinn Fein, Latin America’s left & the Palestinian Embassy. See you there!”

Speakers include: John McDonnell MP // Grace Blakeley // Marwan Yaghi, Palestinian Embassy // Richard Burgon MP // Ian Byrne MP // Pat Cullen MP, Sinn Fein // Rudo Pastor, ex Honduran Minister // Cat Hobbs, We Own It // Sabby Dhalu, Stand up to Racism // Gawain Little, GFTU // Alex Gordon, RMT & Stop the War Coalition // Jess Barnard, Labour NEC (pc) // Hugh Lanning, Labour & Palestine // Michael Roberts, economist // Kate Hudson, CND Vice-President // Calvin Tucker, Morning Star // Sarah Woolley, BFAWU // Matt Willgress, Arise // Gabriel Rodriguez, ITF & Argentina Solidarity // Louise Regan, Palestine Solidarity Campaign // plus more to be announced.

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