‘Lost control’ of Covid-19? When did Tory ministers have any control over the virus?

Rampant: the Covid-19 virus is once again on the loose across the UK because the Tories haven’t just lost control; they’ve deliberately thrown it away.
Let’s be honest: Covid-19 infections in the UK are skyrocketing again and there’s nothing the Tory government can do about it.
Monday (September 7) was the second day running that nearly 3,000 new infections were recorded – and remember, that’s only among people who have been tested and the number of tests available are limited. Allow me to demonstrate:
Almost 3,000 yesterday and the same today. This is awful news. https://t.co/IqjSaHWcmy
— Aleesha 🇵🇸 (@a_leesha1) September 7, 2020
You seen these 👇🏾…#Covid19UK pic.twitter.com/hUd2yvxC9k
— 💙Catherine A Higgins (Kamara-Taylor) (@JustMeBeingMe4) September 7, 2020
Been trying to book my continuously coughing asthmatic boy a COVID test all day, this is what happens… pic.twitter.com/3bUe2g0Qdd
— Josie Moore 💙 (@JosieRoseMoore) September 7, 2020
Professor Gabriel Scally, a member of the Independent Sage group and a former NHS regional director of public health for the south-west, reckons that government ministers have “lost control of the virus”.
“It’s no longer small outbreaks they can stamp on,” he told The Guardian. “It’s become endemic in our poorest communities and this is the result. It’s extraordinarily worrying when schools are opening and universities are going to be going back.”
But it should be obvious that the Tories haven’t got any control at all.
They might have had some when the lockdown was in force but those days are long gone. It seems increasingly likely that lockdown was only imposed to keep on the right side of public opinion and the real plan was “herd immunity”.
This is the idea that if enough of us develop antibodies to the disease, its effect will be negligible. But “herd immunity” requires a majority of the population to be vaccinated against a disease and there is no vaccine.
Allowing a majority to become infected merely increases the likelihood of unnecessary deaths.
The number of infections started rising as soon as the first lockdown relaxations happened and it seems to This Writer that the exponential rise now may be partially due to schools returning…
241 UK Schools now CV19+
• 113 England
• 87 Scotland
• 25 N. Ireland
• 16 WalesSource: A database compiled from NHS Websites, School Websites & Newspaper reports.
— Tory Fibs (@ToryFibs) September 7, 2020
Sickness Secretary Matt Hancock is trying to push responsibility for curbing the virus onto young people –
– but it’s nothing to do with them and everything to do with him.
That’s because the situation is worse than I suggested in the headline.
Not only did the Tories not have control over Covid-19 infections – they have deliberately avoided it.
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