This is lazy Labour's EASY choice - attacking the disabled. Here are the reasons - and a couple of ideas that might be better

A quick reality check for people who are angry at the government

Last Updated: November 29, 2024By Tags: , , ,

Here’s a quick reality check for people who are angry at the government – and have short memories. Be reminded that This Writer is no fan of Keir Starmer; I just think some of the points raised are well worth remembering.

I found the following on a friend’s timeline online:

“I’m no longer a supporter of the Labour party; in many ways I’m politically bereft. Yet I find myself confused about something and while that is a rhetorical statement, I still struggle to fathom sections of the UK population…

“An online petition, created by a Tory businessman, receives over one million votes to call a new general election; there’s a profusion of ‘Starmer Out’ posters on peoples’ timelines and the small percentage of tax-dodging UK landowners, who have farms on their lands, have mobilised the upper middle class to complain about having their loophole in tax paying closed. Online you’d think Labour was killing puppies and selling children to paedophiles…

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“In 2017, over six million people voted in a petition to rerun the EU referendum. That same poll was put into motion in 2020 and garnered even more petitioners. We were told that we voted once and we weren’t going to vote again.
“Between 2010 and 2020, the UK was forced to suffer austerity because the Tories claimed Labour left them with no money. The press and media spent 10 years (and then some) reminding us all that we were struggling because of Labour. The deficit was about £4 billion and our national debt was about 85 per cent of GDP.
“Over the 14 years the Tories were in power we saw them fritter away money like it was water. £40 billion on track and trace during Covid; £20 billion on useless PPE; tax breaks for rich people, a 75 per cent increase in immigration after Brexit and some of them partied while the country hid away, mourned our losses and watched our Queen attend her husband’s funeral – on her own!
“In 2024, Labour inherited a budget deficit of at least £40 billion, our national debt was 110 per cent of GDP and as a result increased taxes on the most wealthy people and organisations. The rich and powerful are painting a picture of despair and yet all of the things the current government is doing is to fix things that have fallen apart and decayed during the last 15 years.
“Labour have been in power four months and it seems everyone expects them to fix all the s**t the Tories created already; s**t the Tories took 14 years to inflict upon the country and its people. It’s like people either have no memories or would rather this country crashed and burned rather than you be able to get a doctor’s appointment or drive on safe roads, or have their children go to a school that isn’t falling apart.
“It’s like people don’t care about the environment and are quite happy for our rivers and seas to be awash with someone else’s jobbies. It’s like people would rather be miserable and moan about things as long as they think they’ve got a few extra quid in their pockets, because it seems to me that people don’t give a f**k about the country or what it’s going to be like when their children and grandchildren take over.
“Get some perspective, please. Starmer might be boring and dull; he might not be doing what you want right now, but he’s not giving the money to his banker friends, instead he’s trying to use it to fix problems caused by Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss and Sunak – five people who spent their time vying to become the worst PM we’ve ever had.”
I think my friend may go on to be as disappointed by Starmer as he was by the others, but in different ways. Nevertheless, his commentary on the last 14 years is persuasive.
Or had you forgotten?

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