Home visit action* to check you are being treated appropriately*

Too much for you? But Iain Duncan Smith’s DWP is adopting tactics that are ever-closer to those of the Nazis. Now they want to force their way into people’s homes, unannounced, presumably in attempts to catch out benefit cheats. What other reason could they possibly have..?
You may get a visit from a government officer to check that you are being treated appropriately* for your status.
A review officer may visit you if you are:
- Jewish
- Homosexual
- A member of an ethnic minority
- A member of a political party other than the Conservatives or Liberal Democrats
Your name is selected at random to be checked. You won’t always get a letter in advance telling you about the visit.
What to expect
The officer will interview you in your home and will want to see two forms of identification.
They’ll also ask to see documents about your ethnic origin, religion, and political or sexual history, including but not limited to:
- Birth certificate
- Synagogue at which you worship and the name of your rabbi
- Passport/details of your country of origin
- Political party membership card
- Medical records
Visits usually last up to an hour but may be longer.
You may be asked to accompany our officer and be conveyed to special measures* if a more detailed interview is required. You will be treated appropriately*.
Check their identity
You can check the identity of the review officer by:
- Asking to see their photo identity card and then checking their face to see if the duelling scars match.
Of course there would be outcry if the government released a press release in this form – except that’s exactly what has happened, and nobody batted an eyelid because the victims are people on state benefits.
If you are reading this and think that’s all right, ask yourself what you’ll do when they come for you. This government already has its eye on pensioners, and people who claim in-work benefits will not be far behind.
By the way, words and phrases marked * are euphemisms from an academic website and may be translated as follows:
- Action – Mission to seek out (in this case, Jews) and kill them
- Treated appropriately – Murdered
- Conveyed to special measures – Killed
What’s that you’re saying? “It couldn’t happen here”?
Oh. Well, that’s all right then.
You can go back to sleep.
(Anyone invoking Godwin’s Law will receive special treatment* for doing so inappropriately.)
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Have you seen this Mike http://goldendrawer.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/the-dwps-performance-measurement-visits.html?spref=fb ?? :-)
Yes I have. I had intended to include a link to it in the article but that just shows what waking up with a migraine does to a writer. I have to take Mrs Mike’s mother to hospital later, too. Hopefully it will be gone by then.
Empathy xxx
Is this a human rights issue? This is seriously worrying.
will they charge you a fee if you are not in as the EOS Electric company does . neighbor has been threatened to have supply disconnected for refusing to pay £110 for 3 letters …only owes £70 for used electricity
Everybody change from EOS – and say why!
you cannot change if you owe them anything , including money for letters they sent and charged you for
Reblogged this on sdbast.
Like I said before get them on video, as I understand perfectly legal, then upload onto Youtube, then sit back and watch their indignation and outcry!!! Most of all enjoy the outcome!
It’s bloody frightening when this coalition deem it fine to go into people’s homes and terrorize yet more disabled, long term sick, unemployed and working people.
They would get a swift boot up the jacksi if they tried that here with me – and then I would have the police around pretty damn quick.
The way this government are sinking to such lengths is deplorable, they are not far off sending us to our doom in specially built “workhouses”.
The most sickening thing is that the majority of the people in this country couldn’t care less and that makes me ashamed to be a part of the human race as I would do anything I could to help my fellow man if they needed it :(
It’s a sad state of affairs when people are terrorized in their own homes by bullies who ought to be ashamed of themselves – I wonder how they can sleep at night for their 50 pieces of silver…
Specially-built workhouses – what, you mean like this?
Of course I object. Only Customs & Excise have the power for unfettered powers of access, and even that was OTT as far as I was concerned. I do not disagree with powers of entry etc, where there is the suspicion (well founded) of slavery, people trafficking and abuse, sexual exploitation, child protection in extreme cases. That list has noting to do with benefit claimants and this move by the DWP to tighten the screws on us all. They have no right of entry, but can use that as yet another excuse to sanction benefits.
Let’s ask the question, if this was the Inland Revenue, and you were *randomly” selected for dawn raids, with non-compliance leaving you destitute, what would be the response from the press?
Yet another stress factor for us all to endure, along with poverty, and with the introduction of PIP and loss of mobility allowances, enforced solitary confinement in the home, isolation, and lack of access to care.
Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
Thanks Mike and hope the migraine has gone. If you havn’t read Nick Cook’s excellent book, ‘The Hunt for Zero Point’ to see how the myth that the nazis were defeated in the 2nd ww is smoke and mirrors and how they just migrated to america. No theories, just hard-won facts.
I purchased one of the T-shirts at the top of the article which went into production shortly after IDS had used the term:- “Work Frees You,” three times in one day.
Have you bought the Vox Political books yet? I would not object if you did that three times in one day either (they’re great presents)! ;-)
They have always been able to do this, especially in cases of suspected fraud. The DWP are merely updating their website.
They couldn’t just turn up on your doorstep and demand your documents. That’s new, and there’s an element of discourtesy about it at the very least.
is this not illegal though as you have the right to refuse to let them in as it is against human rights is there any way you can refuse to let them in?
Yes – there’s a link to another site explaining how, elsewhere in this comment column (or should be).
at the risk of being sanctioned (not that they need an excuse)
I think that’s wrong. They can’t sanction you without knowing that you are doing something wrong.
my only id is a disabled bus pass. Passport £100 don’t think so. If I did have one they’d say I was getting too much money, and would want to know why I wanted one. Benefit letter only one is telling me I’m not entitled as partner already gets IS/IB. Guess I’ll be off for one of Mr smiths famous showers
I’m starting to think that that Godwin guy must have been a really annoying person!
On a side note Mike, have you ever come across Simpol. Might be worthy of an article, especially in the context of encouraging people to use their vote.
Reblogged this on SMILING CARCASS'S TWO-PENNETH and commented:
I watched an audience participation program back in the 1980s; on it was a German who remembered Nazism (bog off, Godwin!) and explained how Tory policy, even back in the days of Thatcher were synonymous with Nazi philosophy and policy.
At one time we would see Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Soviet Union depicted on TV and films and one of the most awful things was the way the knock on the door would come from state officials demanding entry and to see the person’s documents. We used to be appalled at the horror of the state demanding entry into someone’s home and the fear in which those regimes held their people by such actions. We used to feel thankful that we lived in Britain where we were safe and knew things like that could never happen . How wrong we were.
Mike Sivier said: Anyone invoking Godwin’s Law will receive special treatment* for doing so inappropriately.
I think you already invoked Godwin’s Law, but don’t worry. If one of the ConDems’ goons shows up at my door and says, “I’m only following orders,” I’ll reply with, “So were the KGB under Stalin.”
I didn’t invoke Godwin’s Law.