UKIP would scrap Childrens Centres & SureStart! – John D Turner

Well, well, well … Who knew it? ukip’s latest policy on welfare was out there all the time! Basically, they aim to be tough on those in poverty and well to the right of IDS when it comes to social policy, writes John D Turner on his blog.

How do I know this? I was chatting with someone the other day about ukip’s all things to all men (women know your place!) Bedroom Tax policy and I mused about where they stood on other Social Security issues. My friend sent me this link. One social policy alone kills dead the idea that ukip would really stand up for the left behind, the axing of Sure Start.

You can read the rest of the article on the John D Turner blog – and tell him I sent you!

It seems UKIP is currently trying to get as many followers/supporters as possible to flood critical websites, blogs and social media pages with propaganda, so let’s all play a game of ‘Count the UKIP stooges’. How many can YOU find?

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  1. amnesiaclinic September 7, 2014 at 7:32 pm - Reply

    Thanks! Grim!


  2. Barry Davies September 10, 2014 at 7:46 am - Reply

    It would help if once in a while you posted something that had some truth in it such as the staffordshire county council which does not as yet have a ukip member is closing these facilities at a rapid rate on the grounds they are underused, 50 have been closed already by the labour-led council.

    • Mike Sivier September 10, 2014 at 8:57 am - Reply

      But Barry, I did post something that had truth in it. Just because it wasn’t truth that you wanted to be revealed doesn’t stop it being accurate, and even if UKIP removes the plan from its manifesto commitments, it’s worth people knowing that UKIP wanted it – it can help them make an informed decision.
      As for Labour councils having to close these facilities, you seem to forget that our hated Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition is forcing councils to close these services. The plan there was always to deprive authorities led by other parties of cash for the service and then try to blame them for taking it away and you seem to have been fished in like a proper – well – Kipper!

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