The real reason for THAT announcement – revealed

Found on Facebook:

You have to admit, the timing of the announcement that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are about to have another baby came suspiciously soon after the poll revealing that more Scottish people are likely to vote ‘yes’ to independence, and also suspiciously soon after the Queen expressed her Royal displeasure at the thought of being the last Queen of Scotland (just remember it was your relative David Cameron who was responsible, Ma’am)!

The excuse for the early announcement – that the Duchess was having very strong morning sickness again and was having to miss official engagements – is very handy as all she had to do was not turn up anywhere. That’s not to say it isn’t true – merely that it is… convenient.

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  1. Christopher Lawton September 8, 2014 at 10:57 pm - Reply
    • Mike Sivier September 8, 2014 at 11:44 pm - Reply

      What an unexpectedly nice message!
      It just goes to show that in the cut-and-thrust world of politics and political news, a bit of genuine humanity should always be welcome.

  2. Ian Duncan September 8, 2014 at 11:16 pm - Reply

    If she’s 8 weeks pregnant she should be squeezing the nipper out just before the next general election… Dunno if that might make swing voters go Tory but it’s delicious conspiracy theory, none the less :-)

    • Mike Sivier September 8, 2014 at 11:41 pm - Reply

      I don’t think that would make people vote any particular way – the Royals tend to be used to inspire patriotism; a love of the UK, rather than of any political organisation within it. They’re not allowed to make overtly political comments for this precise reason – they are supposed to represent all citizens.

    • Florence September 9, 2014 at 11:13 am - Reply

      Royal Baby, Ebola outbreak, dancing dolphins on the moon, we can only be sure that the main stream media will find many ways to avoid reporting what is actually happening in the UK today. We can confidently predict it will get worse, conspiracy or not.

  3. Mr.Angry September 9, 2014 at 8:00 am - Reply

    Mike “Love of the UK” I think affection for the UK must be at it’s lowest point in our History, exacerbated to it’s maximum since 2010. I feel one’s priority in the present climate (again since 2010) is that of survival and over-rides any loyalty to the Royals who play no part in the Tory austerity program.

  4. Nick September 9, 2014 at 8:09 am - Reply

    the royal family live in a glass bubble and it wont make a jot of difference on their lives whatever Scotland do

    all this Scottish nonsense is down to David Cameron and his style of politics if i were the prime minister this Scottish independence would have never surfaced in the first place

    as in history when you have been abused by the uk for years you wont the independent route hence most of the commonwealth now have it

  5. amnesiaclinic September 9, 2014 at 9:53 am - Reply

    Yes, oldest trick in the book – any bets on the next dirty trick???

    • Guy Ropes September 9, 2014 at 11:16 am - Reply

      An upgrade to twins?

  6. Guy Ropes September 9, 2014 at 10:11 am - Reply

    I love the “I’m pregnant” graphic. Fun. What happens to Balmoral when the Bairns vote “yes” ? Will the royals need to take their passports and buy a ticket?

  7. Joan Edington September 9, 2014 at 12:27 pm - Reply

    When I first looked at the graphic I hadn’t heard about this new royal baby. I simply read it as a take on the old ploy from the soaps. Boy wants to leave girl. Girl claims to be pregnant on the hope of making him stay. Either way, good graphic.

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