Why is Chris Grayling trying to sabotage the national finances?

Here’s further evidence that Justice Minister Chris Grayling is not only unjust but actually evil.

It seems he is drawing up contracts which will ensure profits – for the period of the next two parliaments – for private companies taking over probation services, and massive penalties for the next government if it cancels the contracts.

“Taxpayers will face a £300m-£400m penalty if controversial probation privatisation contracts are cancelled after next May’s general election under an “unprecedented” clause that guarantees bidders their expected profits over the 10-year life of the contract,” according to The Guardian.

It seems the contracts would guarantee the income of two of our favourite outsourcing firms, G4S and Serco, both of which have been at the centre of serious fraud allegations. They have received these contracts during a period when Grayling himself had said they would receive nothing.

Clearly he has misled Parliament.

The Ministry of Justice says it is following Treasury guidance by including the clause, making it likely that we are seeing a conspiracy among Tory-led government departments – and that we will see more of the same in other politically-controversial contracts that will be signed before next May’s general election.

In a time of austerity, inflicted on us by the same government!

Isn’t it illegal for one government to tie the hands of the next in this manner?

Margaret Hodge, chairman of the Commons public accounts committee, has said she was appalled by the discovery, according to the newspaper.

This is a typical Tory tactic in new wrapping. Remember how the Tory-led Coalition has forced budget cuts on councils and the regional assemblies, meaning in return that they had to cut services to citizens – and take the blame for the choices?

Grayling is clearly hoping that a Labour or Labour-led government of the future that cuts the contracts to G4S and Serco will take the blame for the increased cost to the taxpayer that he is imposing.

He isn’t thinking straight, though. G4S and Serco are under investigation, facing serious allegations of fraud. While they were cleared to work on government contracts in January, this came from auditors working for the Conservative government; a future government may disagree with that decision.

This means that contracts awarded to G4S and Serco would be void – and no money would be due to them.

Whatever happens with the contracts, Grayling himself should face legal proceedings for his own involvement in what amounts to interference with the public finances, after he is forced out of office next year. The favouritism he shows towards the two companies is deeply suspicious and he should be investigated for financial connections to them.

Let us remember, also, that Grayling has no mandate for these actions as nobody elected a Conservative government into office to tie the hands of future administrations. It was not in the Conservative 2010 manifesto, nor was it in the Coalition agreement.

This ‘justice’ minister belongs behind bars.

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  1. joanna may September 13, 2014 at 11:03 am - Reply

    It’s great to see you back Mike, but I haven’t had any emails telling me the latest! Your site has been a big part of my life since it started!

    • Mike Sivier September 13, 2014 at 11:16 am - Reply

      I don’t know why you wouldn’t be getting emails, if you’re subscribed to the site. Perhaps you should check your subscription status.

      • joanna may September 13, 2014 at 11:26 am - Reply

        Hi Mike I have done, I have even tried to subscribe again, but it won’t let me because I’m already subscribed. Thanks for your reply though.

  2. nick September 13, 2014 at 11:08 am - Reply

    Chris Grayling is in the same mould as IDS and in reality if they were living in most other countries of the world would be dead by now killed by their own government hence they could never be trusted on any level

  3. Bill Kruse September 13, 2014 at 11:21 am - Reply

    Presumably a slice of this action somehow reverts to Grayling at some stage, through a directorship or whatever.

  4. John September 13, 2014 at 11:27 am - Reply

    There is a petition, organised by NAPO, at http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/66795.
    Please sign-up to it and pass on details to everyone you know for them to do the same.

  5. kittysjones September 13, 2014 at 11:29 am - Reply

    And Miliband HAS altready pledged to scrap Serco, and G4S….

  6. marcusdemowbray September 13, 2014 at 11:40 am - Reply

    I cannot understand the Tories. They claim to worship Adam Smith and his writings about the Free Market Economy, Creation of Wealth etc., and they seem to think that Privatisation is the best way to pursue these ideals and pay respect to their hero. But if their hero came back to life in modern Britain, and found that Foreign Corporations had been sold our businesses, infrastructure, public services and commodities, Adam Smith would demand that the whole lot of them be Hanged at Tyburn Hill for Treachery and High Treason. If he saw how his words had been “interpreted” by these foul villains he would burn his books.

  7. Florence September 13, 2014 at 12:00 pm - Reply

    The IDS-twin has been busy this week. See his latest effort the so-sweet sounding “Sarah”? (Heroism????FFS)


    It’s aim is to “reduce the burden on those using volunteers for Health & Safety”.

    ” Its stated purpose is to guarantee greater protection for employers or volunteers who might otherwise be deterred from performing worthwhile deeds or organising local community events through fear of negligence claims. Others portray it as an assault on a culture of excessive health and safety regulations.”

    So long as the Workfare programmes insist on calling the forced labour volunteers………now they have even less protection under the law.

  8. Rupert Mitchell (@rupert_rrl) September 13, 2014 at 1:38 pm - Reply

    I would have thought that any such devious arrangement would not be upheld in law and would be consider both illegal and against the interests of a huge part of the electorate.

  9. nivekd September 13, 2014 at 2:09 pm - Reply
  10. Thomas September 13, 2014 at 5:30 pm - Reply

    He’s trying to force any new government to either have to act just like the old government, have to pay huge amounts of money, or get a bad reputation for ignoring the law.

  11. Mr.Angry September 14, 2014 at 7:20 am - Reply

    Look into his eyes, look into his eyes, they tell all, EVIL is an under statement, bars would not be good enough for this criminal, a lamp post and rope would be more appropriate and a bonus for the electorate. Pass me my statins.

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