How to divide and conquer the UKIP way – aliberallife

One suspects aliberallife has similar feelings toward UKIP as Vox Political, considering that blog’s output. Here’s how it says UKIP reacted to the Scotland referendum:

Last night I got up at 3.30am and I watched the result of the Independence Referendum in Scotland as they rolled in. I felt a stab of disappointment with each one and I hoped that despite the often lively debates that were had all over Scotland we would rally together as a country. Not least to ensure that the three major parties at Westminster live up to the promises that they made. I am immensely proud of my adopted country, yes there were incidents of poor behaviour and intimidation but it could have been so much worse and despite the best efforts of people like Ukip’s David Coburn to make it about sectarianism and hatred of the English the vast majority kept it civil. In the end an unprecedented percentage of the population were engaged in political debate and used the opportunity to make sure their voices were heard.
With that in mind this morning should have been a time of building bridges between communities in Scotland and between Scotland and the rest of the UK. It was not a time to make political hay, however, as so often has been the case, Nigel Farage and Ukip were straight out of the gate encouraging division and renewed hatred.
A debate does need to be had about the political shape of power in the UK and this does include:
• What powers Scotland and other regions of the UK will have
• How will Scotland be funded
• The west Lothian Question
All of these and others need to be addressed over the next few months but not this morning when hearts were still sore and the dreams of 1.6 million people had been dashed.
So, how did Nigel Farage and UKIP decide to bridge the divide and encourage unity?
They sent David Coburn out during the night to talk about England as the results were coming in. Judging by the comments on Twitter he was an unmitigated disaster and alienated almost all those who voted regardless of the camp they were in (but then if you read this you will see he and his sidekick have been doing that throughout the campaign).

I am not a fan of making jokes at the expense of some ones appearance but just for those who might find this funny

In the morning they sent out the big gun the Dear Leader Nigel Farage to rub salt in wounds and encourage discord – Ukip takes it moves right out of the Britain as invader book – divide and conquer.

Let’s DEMAND a review of the Barnett Formula ..


Let’s focus on the English and what they want and introduce the idea that the Scots are some how conning the English ..


Let’s have a photo shoot of me posting some pointless letters to MPs based in Scottish ..


As a fellow user on twitter righty said


We should not forget the average kipper, who with no irony, claimed the SNP were the same as the BNP ..


I will finish with a quick reminder that not all supporters of Yes are nationalists and not all supporters of yes are even Scottish. I am English but I have chosen to live in Scotland, in one of the wilder more remote bits. This morning a kipper who frequently comments on my TL posts decided to post this, he by the way does not live in Scotland.


In five years of living in Scotland this is the first time anyone has said anything about my Englishness. When I was thinking of voting NO not even the most nationalist of those around me commented on it, my partner who was also born in England voted NO and yet the main force of YES in our community has said nothing either to his face or behind it and they remain friends. I should be incredulous that it should come from a kipper but the sad truth is I am not.

With Paul Nuttall saying in August “People are increasingly fed up with the Scots getting free prescriptions and university tuition fees and their MPs voting on laws that only apply to England” Perhaps all those in Scotland who object to being belittled join together and campaign to ensure UKIP get no further power in Scotland or the rest of the UK.

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  1. John September 20, 2014 at 3:28 pm - Reply

    There is another way of looking at it.
    Surely, we should all be asking why it is that austerity policies are being applied more harshly to the English, Welsh and Northern Irish?
    Not because we believe the Scots should lose free prescriptions and free education, etc. but because we – in England, Wales and Northern Ireland – ought to be getting them too.
    Why is it that our quality of life is being sacrificed to prop up a wealthy class of rich people whereas in Scotland they are able to do things differently?
    This is a wake-up call for the English, Welsh and Northern Irish to ditch the advocates of austerity and vote in a government which will drop austerity policies.

    • Mike Sivier September 23, 2014 at 3:31 pm - Reply

      Here in Wales we have free prescriptions and free education.
      The problem is that the English are government by a gang of self-serving toffs who can afford to provide those things perfectly well, but don’t want you to have them. That’s why they want England to be government by Westminster MPs – the Conservatives have a majority of 59 in England. If the country had devolution, it would probably be into the regional assemblies (that it used to have – what happened to them?) meaning that the Tories would lose power in areas where Labour (or whoever else) is in the ascendant.
      So, yes, you’re right.

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