After Paris attacks, it’s time to create an international legal unit to fight terrorism

President Barack Obama arrives in the White House briefing room to deliver remarks on the violence taking place in Paris on Nov. 13 [Image: Getty].
The international community has long been concerned about the threat posed by terrorism. Countries have enacted security legislation and created special intelligence and police units to stop perpetrators and discourage or prevent attacks, and have complemented these efforts by entering into international and regional treaties and bilateral agreements.
And yet, despite numerous attempts to create one, there is no global legal body leading the fight against terrorism. It is time for that to change.
In February, Romania proposed the establishment of an International Court Against Terrorism (ICT) and, together with Spain, has launched a joint consultation process that we hope will lead to its eventual creation. Such a court would be empowered to prosecute any act of terrorism perpetrated after its creation, offering desperately needed assistance to countries with weak legal systems and providing a strong deterrent to would-be terrorists.
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No! We do not need yet another quasi-legal body to attempt to wage war on an abstract concept.
one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter
Oh really?
Ask anyone in France if they think the people who carried out the November 13 attacks were freedom fighters and see what answers you get.